How to Avoid Man-in-the-Middle Attacks on Mobile

When we surf the net we can be victims of many different types of attacks. It does not matter if we are using a mobile device or desktop computer, as well as the type of operating system we have. In any case, we can always be victims of an attack that puts our security and privacy at risk. Today we are going to talk about the increase in Man-in-the-Middle attacks on mobile devices. But we will also give some tips to avoid falling victim to this problem.

Mobile Man-in-the-Middle attacks on the rise

attacks mobile phone

It is a reality that we increasingly browse more from mobile devices . If we look back, just a few years ago it was normal to navigate through a computer connected to the router. But that has changed and we now have many more devices available. For example, mobiles, tablets and other devices that allow us to connect to the network from anywhere.

Now this has also caused cyber criminals to set their sights here and create different attacks. That is what happens with the Man-in-the-Middle attacks that we discussed in this article and that mainly affects mobile devices. There has been a significant increase.

According to a report we echo, Man-in-the-Middle attacks have been more perfected than ever. Now they are better able to attack mobile devices and thus put the security and privacy of users at risk. Basically it is that a hacker can intercept the connection between the user’s device and a server. They can passively spy on communications, steal passwords and information, but could also inject malicious code, for example.

Undoubtedly, one of the most common ways of executing this type of attack is through Wi-Fi networks that are not secure. They take advantage of this weakness to intercept user connections and thus obtain information about the sites they visit, credentials, passwords … They could also remove the security certificate when a user enters a page. In this way they would be redirected to the HTTPS version without encryption.

Ataques en móviles

How to Avoid Being Victims of Man-in-the-Middle Attacks

An important tip is to be careful with the wireless networks we use. We have seen that simply by connecting to a Wi-Fi network we can be victims of this type of attack that has grown a lot on mobile devices. It is important that we take care of security when connecting to a public network such as in an airport or shopping center.

To improve security in this sense, a good tip is to use VPN services . In this way we can encrypt our connections and thus avoid the theft of information.

It is also very important that we always navigate properly encrypted sites . Here common sense is vital and observe very well the pages we visit. When it comes to logging in or entering personal data, we must enter directly by entering the address in the browser and never through possible third-party links. This way we will avoid ending up on a maliciously modified page.

Of course it will be equally important to have security tools . In this way we can prevent the entry of malware and other attacks that may affect us. It is also recommended to always have the latest versions and patches installed to correct possible vulnerabilities.