How to Automatically Post Your Instagram Photos to Twitter

Instagram natively offers the possibility of sharing your publications on other platforms such as Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr. The problem is that not all of them are shown the same. Although on Facebook that photo or video can be seen in the feed directly, on Twitter you see a link that requires you to open the application or a browser to see it. But rest assured, there is a solution. We tell you to share directly from Instagram on other networks and to see the content.

Instagram and its sharing options

Automatically Post Your Instagram Photos to Twitter

Within the Instagram settings you can activate the option that allows you to share all the photos and videos that you publish in your feed directly on other networks. Thanks to this you will not have to go platform by platform to publish that photo of the sunset, coffee or your dog among many others. You simply authorize the application so that as soon as a new photo or video is uploaded, it is also published on your Facebook, Tumblr or Twitter account.

If you do not want complications it is great, but it has a problem and it is that they do not work exactly the same way for each platform. While on Facebook you can see the content in the feed directly, on Twitter what you get is a tweet with a link. That forces the user to touch or click on it to open the Instagram application or a browser and see said content.

There are also users who like this way of linking to their content more, because it forces the user to visit their Instagram profile and that could bring them new followers. But if this is not the case, if you want to share the photo and make it visible on Twitter, then you have to resort to other solutions.

Post your Instagram photos to Twitter automatically

IFTTT is one of the great Internet services, a tool that allows you to create a series of rules with which to automate practically any type of action. In this case, it is interesting to be able to automate the publication of Instagram on Twitter, but you can also take advantage of it for home automation issues. So if you didn’t know him yet, you should take a look at him.

Returning to the topic of Instagram and Twitter, to take advantage of your options, the first thing will be to create an account on IFTTT in case you don’t already have one. This is as simple a process as using your own Google or Facebook credentials or creating an account from your email. Once you have it, it’s time to start.

IFTTT works as follows: if X occurs then Y is done. Or what is the same, you create an initial condition and if it is fulfilled, the action or actions that you have defined are activated. In this case, what it will do is detect that new content has been published on Instagram and then it will be published on Twitter. So easy and simple.

Anyway, better to see it step by step and with images. This way you can follow the process much more visually.

  1. The first step is to log in to IFTTT
  2. In the search engine type Instagram
  3. In the Connections tab you will directly see an option that indicates Tweet your Instagram as native photos on Twitter
  4. Click on it and hit connect. It will take you to Instagram for you to log in and give IFTTT permission to access your Instagram profile
  5. Then you will do the same with Twitter, log in again to authorize the application
  6. With both services connected you will automatically return to IFTTT and voila, you will have it

From now on, when you post on Instagram, your photo will also be shown on Twitter without you having to do anything about it. Of course, this is only valid for publications with a single photo. If you include a gallery it will not work, keep that in mind.

This that you have seen is the simple option, use a rule already created. But what if you want to create your own rule and further customize the way content is shared. Well, you can do it that easy.

  1. Go back to IFTTT and click on the icon that gives access to your user profile, then Create
  2. Now, click on + This and select the service that will activate the rule, in this case it would be Instagram
  3. In the following menu you can select various variables such as any photo, video, only those photos and videos that are accompanied by a specific hashtag. This last option is interesting so that only those publications that really interest you appear on Twitter
  4. Once you have selected the shot that interests you, on the next screen click on + That
  5. In the search box type Twitter
  6. Select Post to Tweet
  7. In the next option, add or customize the action with other ingredients such as the embedded code or by modifying the Tweet Text drawer with a message. For example, “Follow me on Instagram”
  8. Finally click Create action

Done, you already have your own rule created to directly post your Instagram content on Twitter. A simple example that you could vitaminize with the use of many other services or options for each of these actions. The only thing you have to be clear about is how you have configured everything, if you decided to use hashtag or not, etc.

And since you are involved with IFTTT, if you want you can go a little further and combine the use of Instagram with Buffer and Twitter . So you could post on Instagram and it would not be published on Twitter until a few hours or according to the calendar you have established. Something interesting, for example, to provide content to your networks in those moments when you are not serving them manually.

You decide how to take advantage of it. For now, the important thing is that you already have a new tool to be able to do something as simple and basic for many as it is the one that your Instagram photo appears on Twitter and not a web address.