Android One no longer makes sense: Google's umpteenth mistake

Mobile phones with Android One are almost history. Today, smartphones that boast this version of the operating system are practically non-existent, although before there were top brands like Xiaomi that released phones of this type. A series of devices that enjoyed unique features and advantages by not having any layer of customization from the manufacturers involved. What has become of them?

The main asset that Android One had compared to the rest of the terminals is that Google promised fast and short-term updates, although this has been dissipating over time due to manufacturer policies. Today there are companies like Samsung that grant up to 4 years of system versions and 5 years of security patches , while others like OPPO are following in the footsteps of the South Korean firm. To such an extent, that they already guarantee more updates than Google itself for its Pixels. A situation that leaves mobile phones with this version of Android in checkmate.

Android One no longer makes sense

Android One is no longer what it used to be

Among the main advantages of Android One are fast updates for at least two years , as well as monthly security patches and the integration of Google Play Protect. In addition, the fact of not having customization layers of any brand means that the phone is much cleaner of useless applications, thus leaving more storage capacity. Finally, it should be noted that they are very cheap smartphones , but this causes them to be somewhat limited in terms of hardware.

However, the superiority of fast updates has faded into the background as users generally prefer to have a good long-term phone for several years. Only having two years of system versions means that our terminal will become obsolete at the hardware level in a short time, which can be decisive for many.

There are mobiles on the market that cost around 300 euros and will enjoy up to 4 Android updates, as is the case with the Samsung Galaxy A53 5G . A device that has a series of very interesting features in terms of hardware. So maybe it’s worth waiting a little longer for the new versions to enjoy them in the long run. Not to mention that Samsung doesn’t keep its community waiting too long, so you won’t notice the change of pace that much either.

Mobiles that have Android One

If you are one of those who still prefer Android One, we have selected for you a series of smartphones that continue to display this version . It is important to note that Google offers updates for at least 24 months after launch, so the period can be longer, while ensuring 3 years of security patches. Once you are clear about this, together with the advantages that we have mentioned at the beginning of the previous section, you can take advantage of Android One with the following phones:

  • Xiaomi A3
  • Nokia 2.4
  • Nokia 9 Pure view
  • Nokia 5.3

Xiaomi Mi A3 Android 11

These 4 terminals have been on the market for a while and it is that the most recent releases with this version are not sold as such. Mainly, because it no longer enjoys that exclusivity that they boasted of years ago.