All Methods to Share Huawei Notes in EMUI 10

Our Huawei mobile can be for much more than to be connected at all times. It is a kind of Swiss army knife in which tools of all kinds are given. One of the most useful is the EMUI notepad. It is no longer necessary to have dozens of papers lying around, mental notes or use the couple’s WhatsApp to throw reminders.

Share Huawei Notes in EMUI 10

Notes are the best way to organize tasks, jot down ideas, or have a kind of drawer in which to store our goals for 2021. However, many users wonder what else they can do with these notes besides generating them. We have probed the Huawei forums, seeing how some users wanted to be able to share the notes without success. Some have suggested the arrival of this function in future versions of EMUI, but the truth is that sharing notes is possible and is done very easily.

How to share notes on Huawei

In order to do this, we will have to enter the notes application, which comes pre-installed on Huawei terminals. Once inside, we must have created a note to share it. Once done we enter inside and click on the share icon . Once done we will have to select the channel through which we want to share the note . The most frequent ones used on our mobile will appear, such as WhatsApp, Telegram, email or some social media app. Once done, we will only have to choose the method of sending the note, since there may be two: as an image or as a text.

notas en huawei

Send note as picture

By selecting this option, the note will be sent as an image . That is, the system will take care of making a kind of screenshot, cutting the message from the note. In this way it can arrive in a clear and fast visual way. The only downside of this method is that it can take up a little more space than the text format.

compatir notas en huawei

Send note as text

If we select this option, the shared note will arrive in text format. This means that the receiver will be able to copy or paste the note and forward it modified. This is ideal if we are creating some content and we want to facilitate the editing for the person who is going to receive the note, since they can modify it and return it to us again in text. In this way we can paste it back into our note within the notes app and update it with the new text.