6 Social Media Tricks to Drive Traffic to Your Website

In a digitally competitive world, it’s not enough to just create quality content for your website. You have to be proactive to engage and share your content with your target audience, or in another way, increase traffic to your website. One of the best ways to do that is to use social media channels to boost and reshare your website content. Different platforms benefit a given business differently, so don’t limit yourself to the giants like Facebook or Twitter. For startups, the right set of actions on a suitable platform can help you build brand recognition, foster a large audience and connect more closely with your community.

So how can you use social media to benchmark your traffic? Here  6 social media tricks to drive traffic to your website.

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1. Make a Good First Impression

The first thing people will see when they click on your social media page is your profile. Whether it is Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn your company is using, give your audience a good first impression by providing the basic information about your business, and most importantly, a link to your website. Pay close attention to developing quality social content, because if people are interested in the type of content you are sharing, they will likely be interested in finding out where they can get more of it. 

2. Post During ‘Peak Time’

Every audience has different behaviors and it is important to know the habits of yours because posting on your page when your audience is online will guarantee the most engagement. You can use a social listening tool to identify the peak time for your audience and a media scheduling tool to post within that period, even if you are asleep. Once you’ve got your data, you can use it to optimize your posting schedule. All you need to do is to create a document with an additional 5-10 blog post titles, then add them to your tool with the URL to your article. These social media schedule tools will work their magic to drive traffic back to your old blog content.

3. Reshare Your Blog Content

You may have put a lot of effort into writing content for your blog, but if months have passed and only a few people have seen it, you need to put in just as much effort to promote it on your social media channels. You can start promoting your blogs at any point, because your recent followers may have missed the content you published weeks ago. Sharing your available content is actually the simplest way. 

You can also repurpose your blogs to get more use out of them. For instance, you can quote different snippets of your article or change its headline every other month. In this way, your feed will always be fresh and traffic will make its way to your website. 

4. Make your Content Shareable

Having your audience share your content is the best way to approach a lookalike audience. Studies into online social behavior have found, not surprisingly, that people are most likely to click on an interesting link shared by their friends and families. You should allow, and even encourage your existing followers, to share your articles and posts by embedding a social sharing tool on each post. This will help to get the word out about your business and brand and will even present the opportunity of your social media posts going viral and being seen by a larger audience. 

5. Use Quality Visuals

High-quality visuals will help bring your message to the attention of your audience. There are various formats of visuals you can use, from graphics, infographics to animations. Each audience group will prefer certain formats, so it’s wise to test the water before deciding on your visual ratios. Generally speaking, most social media users prefer short videos or simple visuals such as gifs and memes rather than longer pieces of content that they have to sit through. 

6. Keep Your Audience Engaged

Social media is all about interactions, and the better your relationship with your audience, the better your performance. You need to take advantage of social media uniqueness, which is the ability to engage and interact directly with your target audience, form relationships, obtain feedback, improve their experience with your brand. Run fan surveys, Q&As, and live streams, so that your audience develop a personal relationship with your social media brand and feel like their voices are heard.

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With 3.96 billion social media users worldwide, social media provides a huge opportunity that you shouldn’t ignore if you want to drive traffic to your website. The earlier you implement your social media strategy, the more traffic you will attract, and the more leads you will have. Don’t forget to practice these 6 social media tricks to increase your followers and subscribers.