Youtuber Builds Batman’s Hook Gun and It Works

Youtuber2020, a year to forget due to the pandemic that has and continues to condition us so much in our day to day life, is about to end and each of us could review what we have done and / or achieved during all these months . But surely few of us could say that we have made the most of our time as well as this maker who has made Batman’s hook gun and it works!

Batman’s hook comes true

There are many reasons why any Batman fan would want to be like this masked superhero, but one of them would certainly be to have some of his flashy gadgets. Of course, there is surely one in particular that has already come to mind and it is not the popular and well-known Batmobile. Exactly, we mean that hook that shoots from his wrist and allows him, thanks to a cable, to climb onto the rooftops of Gothan among many other things.

Well, there are those who have taken advantage of this 2020 to work on their own maker version of Batman’s hook gun , although it has also been seen in video games, etc. And yes, there have been other similar proposals capable of firing a hook of this type attached to a cable or rope, but it is capable of lifting the user from heights and fits perfectly on the arm.

As you can see in the video above, the work done by this youtuber called Built IRL is to remove his hat. It is true that it is not as aesthetic as the one you can see in the Batman comics or movies, but we are talking about a device created by him and that only occupies what his forearm measures.

In addition, as we said before, this hook pistol is not only capable of firing it through the use of compressed air cartridges, but also of dragging or lifting the user thanks to a powerful motor . Thanks to this last element, the weight of this youtuber is supported and he can raise it at a speed that also attracts a lot of attention again due to the size of the device.

Of course, there was still another surprise in this creation that must be a lot of fun to play with, although always taking extreme safety in every way: this hook pistol not only shoots and lifts the user, it can also return him to the ground by activating the reverse turn. the motor.

Now for the Spider-man triggers

As you can imagine, he is not going to go with this invention on the street, but it is still very striking and curious to see it in action. We suppose that all of us who as children and not so young have hallucinated something like that now will also be thinking that it would be fun to try it.

Regarding Built IRL, if you like the whole maker theme on its channel there are multiple videos that are also very striking. Although now what we hope is to see that version of the Spider-man triggers he is working on. There it will not be as simple as with this one, but since there are two … it still allows you to reduce the size of each one a little more.