You have to know this from WhatsApp!

You have to know this from WhatsApp

WhatsApp is one of the most used messaging applications in the world, due to its functionalities, compatibility between operating systems, ability to send text messages, audio or video calls. At first, it was only available for mobile devices, but little by little it has been extended to the entire ecosystem. In this post, we are going to see the new version of WhatsApp for macOS and WhatsApp Wwb and some interesting tricks to get the most out of it.

WhatsApp web tricks

All applications have different tricks or solutions that allow us to optimize and improve the entire process that we do in it. WhatsApp is no exception, so we have made a recap of the best tricks and features of both WhatsApp web and its application.


  • Shortcuts: one of the exclusive features of WhatsApp Web is that at the bottom of the configuration we have the Shortcuts option, where we see all the shortcuts in a kind of list. If you are working and use this application a lot, you can learn various commands and work much more efficiently.
  • Create and edit Sticker: within WhatsApp in the messages tab you can go to the Sticker window and create your own Stickers. Some that you have uploaded the Sticker, you also have the options that we all know for editing the image that you have uploaded.
  • You can see messages without opening them: if you have the double blue tick option activated, you can leave the Magic Mouse on the message and a drop-down appears on it, but the other user will not know that you have read it. If the message is very long, it is possible that not all the content can be seen.
  • Add emoticons: you could say that it is a shortcut, but a very efficient solution to send emoticons is to add a double point in the message and write a word. For example, if we add: happy, the emoticons that are related to it appear. It also works with colors. It is a way to search for it very quickly and save time. For example, if you know the command for an emoji, you can type it and it will quickly transform into one. For example, (n) and your hand appears down.
  • Download files: if you have an audio or document file and you want to download it, click on it and hit the download button. Automatically, it is downloaded and hosted in downloads.

WhatsApp on Apple Silicon


These news are available for the WhatsApp Web version, but there are also interesting news for those users who have Apple Silicon and want to have the application downloaded. Being an application, the operation is much more fluid, things are downloaded much faster and exclusive functions that macOS has.

  • The interface is much more beautiful, especially when we are going to send, select photos and send them to your contacts, being much easier and more intuitive.
  • Some of the functions is the possibility of making calls or video calls directly through the app. Since the application is inside macOS, it has interesting features like Face Time, selecting the iPhone you have.
  • It maintains all the security and privacy options that exist on the iPhone, such as messages, dark mode, last connection, the possibility of downloading files directly and not having to click on them.

WhatsApp has offered a good product for Apple devices and never has a version of the Meta conglomerate performed so well within an Apple device.