Windows 10 in Black and White: How to View the System in Grayscale

Many of Windows 10 users love to customize their desktop and system. Those of Redmond know it and that is why the latest version of the system has new customization options. So much so that since the arrival of the Fall Creators Update it is possible to put Windows 10 in black and white or grayscale.

It is important not to confuse this personalization option with the fact of applying Windows 10 dark mode. Remember that for this, what we must do is open the system configuration page, enter the Personalization section and then select the menu option that appears on the left side, Colors .

Windows 10 in Black and White:

Next, in the right panel we look for the Choose color dropdown and there we will have to select the Dark option. We will automatically see how the dark mode of Windows 10 is applied to our desktop. However, this time we refer to another function of the Microsoft system that allows us to put Windows 10 in black and white or grayscale completely. For this, we show the steps to follow below.

Windows 10

Put Windows 10 in black and white

Specifically, this function is one of the options found within the accessibility settings of the system. Therefore, it is a function that has not been designed for those users who like to personalize their desktop, but Microsoft has designed it with the intention of offering a color filter that allows users to better see the elements on the screen. people with certain defects in their vision. However, since it is accessible to everyone, everyone can activate it to their liking whenever they want. These are the steps to follow:

  • We open the System Configuration page .
  • We enter the Accessibility option.
  • We select the Color Filters option from the menu on the left side.
  • We activate the Color Filters switch in the Use color filters section.
  • We check the Grayscale filter.

Windows 10 blanco y negro

Automatically we will see how Windows 10 is shown in black and white or grayscale completely, the desktop, taskbar, Start menu, any system tool and even any program that we have open or open on our desktop will be shown in grayscale .

Ctrl + Win + C keyboard shortcut

There is another way to make Windows 10 black and white much faster. To do this, simply use a system keyboard shortcut, Ctrl + Win + C. Now, so that this key combination allows us to apply this appearance to our desktop, we will first have to activate this option. For it:

  • We open the System Configuration page.
  • We enter the Accessibility option.
  • We select the Color Filters option from the menu on the left side.
  • In the Use Color Filters section we check the box Allow the shortcut key to activate or deactivate the filter .

It is not necessary that we have the Activate color filters switch activated, but what we do have to do is check the grayscale color filter. If not, then we will have to slide the Activate Color Filters switch to the ON position and then check the Grayscale filter. In this way, and making sure that the box that allows us to use the shortcut Ctrl + Win + C to activate the filter is activated, we can already use this key combination to make Windows 10 black and white whenever we want. To deactivate the effect, just press the shortcut Ctrl + Win + C again.