Why is it Wrong to Use Abandoned Applications

This is a problem that affects all types of devices. The software we install sometimes becomes obsolete, abandoned, and that can pose a major security problem. We could compromise our data if we use tools that are not correctly updated, that have uncorrected vulnerabilities. We are going to talk about it in this article. We will explain why abandoned applications are a problem for security.

The risk of using abandoned applications

Surely on some occasion we have used an application that is no longer supported. It has stopped updating and they no longer have new versions. This is something that happens to us on mobile phones, tablets, computers … In short, on any device. Now this is a problem.

Why is it Wrong to Use Abandoned Applications

A report from security company Wandera has indicated that many mobile device users have installed applications that are no longer under development and are not offered in the app stores. They assure that this is a major security problem and that it could jeopardize the proper functioning of these equipment, as well as the privacy of users.

This report focuses on mobile devices . They show how it affects any operating system. However, it must be borne in mind that we can also encounter this problem in computers and other equipment. After all, we all use applications in our day to day and in many occasions they are old programs, that we have installed for a long time or that have even been years without updating.

But why is this a security hazard? On many occasions vulnerabilities arise that can be exploited by hackers to carry out their attacks. This means that the developers themselves are going to release patches and updates to correct that problem. The problem is when those apps are no longer supported. There may be security flaws that can never be corrected.

These uncorrected security flaws could be exploited by hackers. They could ultimately affect users, steal data, infect computers with malware and compromise their proper functioning.

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Use updated apps

Our advice is to always keep your applications updated correctly. This way we will avoid those security flaws that can be exploited by hackers. This we must apply to all kinds of software that we use, regardless of the operating system or device that we are using.

Now, as we have seen on occasions we can find applications that are not supported. This is a problem. When not receiving updates, these failures remain exploitable.

There are many occasions in which we have seen vulnerabilities that affect applications of all kinds. Some of those vulnerabilities have even been around for years but were not known. If an app is supported, developers would release patches to correct the problem.

In short, using abandoned applications can be a major problem for our security. The ideal is not to use this type of software that we cannot update.

We leave you an article where we talk about how to protect the security of applications.