Why fast mobile charging does not always work

As a tech reporter, you may have encountered an issue with your mobile phone’s fast charging not working consistently, despite your efforts to troubleshoot. The root cause of this problem could be elusive, leaving you wondering how to fully leverage your device’s charging capabilities.

Fortunately, there is a common culprit behind this issue, and we can provide insights on what it is and how to address it.

fast charging mobile

This charging function is responsible

Smart charging is a feature available on Google, Samsung, Xiaomi, and iPhone mobiles that allows the device to charge slowly when the alarm is set. This function is designed to optimize the battery in certain cases, but it can also cause issues when you want to charge the phone immediately.

Smart charging can be found in the battery settings of your mobile and is designed to prolong the useful life of the battery by charging it in a controlled manner over longer periods of time. To see if this feature is activated on your device, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings on your mobile
  2. Select the Battery option
  3. Go to Smart Features
  4. See if smart charging is activated


In the case of the iPhone, you will have to follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings on mobile
  2. Select the Battery option
  3. Click on Health and battery charge
  4. See if Optimized Charging is enabled

optimized charge improve battery iphone 11 pro

It is worth noting that the steps to access the smart charging feature may vary depending on the phone’s brand and model. However, it should be easy to find if your device supports fast charging. Keep in mind that if you want to charge your phone faster at a specific time, you can always disable the smart charging feature. Nonetheless, it’s recommended to enable it to take better care of your phone’s battery in the long run.

Rule out other causes

If you have checked and ruled out that the problem is not due to the smart charging feature or the cable and charger, there are still some other things you can try to troubleshoot the issue with fast charging. First, you can try cleaning the charging port of your mobile as dirt, dust or debris can accumulate inside and prevent fast charging. You can use a small brush or compressed air to clean it.

Another thing to check is if there are any apps running in the background that are consuming too much power. Some apps can be heavy on resources and can slow down the charging process. Close all the apps and try charging again to see if this fixes the problem.

Lastly, it is possible that your mobile’s battery has degraded over time and is no longer able to support fast charging. If your mobile is old or you have used it extensively, it may be time to consider replacing the battery. In this case, you can take it to an authorized service center to have it checked and replaced if necessary.

Fast charge

Using a case with your mobile device is a common practice for most users, but did you know that it could potentially affect the fast charging capabilities of your device? In some cases, the case may not fit perfectly or may be poorly designed, which can impact the charging of the mobile device. If you have already tried ruling out other potential reasons for slow charging, it may be worth trying to charge your device on a stable surface without the case. If your device charges correctly without the case, you may need to consider using a different case or finding one that is designed to work well with your mobile device and does not impact its charging speed.