And the O2 voicemail? The question is asked by many of the operator’s customers, who do not understand that this free service, available from most providers, is not enabled or, at least, is available for activation. What is the reason and when does the entity plan to activate it? The answers to both questions may not be what you were expecting to hear.
Movistar, Orange, Jazztel or MásMóvil, all of them are operators that have a voice mail system, being such a widespread resource that most users consider it essential, whether they use it or not. But O2, which was founded in 2018, hasn’t activated it yet and from the sounds of it has no intention of doing so . The situation is so strange that there are many users who have raised theories in view of the fact that the operator has not published a statement explaining the reasons for its decision.
What does O2 say about it?
If we enter the operator’s official website and consult its help page , we will find that there is a small section dedicated to voice mail . In it they tell us that in O2 voice mail activation cannot be carried out, but they do not specify anything else. What they do do, however, is confirm that this decision is applicable to both fixed lines and mobile phones. And as a way of complementing their decision, they link us to a section of their website in which a list of other services that are not available in their telephone service is published.
Among these services, voice mail leads the list in first place, as was to be imagined in view of its relevance. But looking at the list, it can be seen that O2 does not have online payments, redial service, virtual mobile lines or call recording either. These absences are highlighted because O2 is a Telefónica company, as is the case with Movistar, which does enjoy these services. The logic would be to think that, sharing a group, both operators would offer the same advantages. But, as you can see, it is not.
Officially O2 prefers not to talk about it . There are no statements or an official position, nor is any response provided on social networks beyond confirming the absence of the service among the possibilities to which customers have access. What happens then?
The director of O2 explains it
Diving into Twitter we find many requests that users have made to the operator to activate the voicemail. And although O2 always responds corporately with a message such as “at the moment we do not have this service planned” , on one occasion the director of O2, Pedro Serrahima, provided a little more information related to it.
When a user specifically asked him about it, the director responded by explaining why O2 doesn’t have voicemail:
Pedro Serrahima@serrahim@seximen80 @o2es I have never run an operator that has voice mail. 🙃
It seems old and tricky to me. That was invented back in 1700 to get money from callbacks and charge for the starter. Where there is a loss…May 18, 2020 • 22:388
Taking this into account, it is clearer what may be the reasons why O2 does not have this service activated. Serrahima believes that voicemail creates problems for customers, a view that is cloaked in the scams and security risks that have arisen over time. So while there would be plenty of O2 customers who would be interested in turning it on given the chance, at the moment it seems unlikely that it will be possible .