Why There Has Been an Increase in the Use of NAS Servers in 2020

NAS servers are widely used by both private users as well as companies and organizations. They serve to store content on the network and have them always available anywhere. In the last year they have experienced a considerable increase. It has played a very important role due to the circumstances related to the Covid-19 pandemic. There have been changes in the use of technology and networks and one of them has been the rise of this type of equipment.

NAS server usage grows in 2020

Without a doubt, this year has brought important changes to Internet users at practically all levels. There has been a large increase in the use of online telephony and video calling services, as well as the use of the cloud and remote platforms.

NAS Servers in 2020

To this must also be added the increase in the use of NAS servers during 2020. They have served so that users can work remotely, since they could thus access company information without the need to be physically there. We already know that teleworking has increased considerably in recent months. This has been an organizational challenge and also at the infrastructure level.

Organizations have had to find a new way for workers to perform their duties. Thus, the NAS servers have served so that all of them can share work , perform common tasks and have everything available from their own homes as if they were physically in the company.

A NAS server also serves as a complement to other equipment that we use in our day to day, as well as cloud services that belong to third parties, such as Google Drive. Having a physical device of this type brings interesting advantages.

NAS are not only great for storing files for use both internally and externally, they are also great for keeping valuable documents of all kinds safe by allowing you to create backups. We already know that it is very important to create backup copies periodically so as not to compromise computers and lose information. You can see our list of best NAS servers.

Usos de un servidor doméstico

Increased use of multiple devices

Another issue that has led to a growing interest in NAS servers is also the increased use of multiple devices . Nowadays it is common to have several computers, a Tablet, a mobile … We can even work from different computers.

To centralize all the information and documents that we are going to need, a good solution is through the NAS. They are very useful in this sense and help to have easy access to files no matter where we are or what device we are using at the time.

Economic savings

There is also an economic saving when using a NAS server. As we have indicated, the use of the cloud is widespread to store documents and have them available anywhere. There are many platforms that offer this possibility, although if we want to achieve a large storage capacity we would have to pay a subscription.

This is why using NAS servers can save money. At the end of the day, once we own the equipment we will not need any subscription. There is no fee to maintain it.

Play in Streaming on any device

Another point that has helped the increase in NAS servers in this 2020 is the fact of being able to play streaming videos on any device. The Covid-19 pandemic also comes into play here. People spend more time at home and seek forms of entertainment.

A NAS server allows us to store our series and movies and be able to play them from a television connected to the network, for example. We can share music between devices, videos and any type of content.

In short, NAS servers have experienced a considerable increase during this year 2020. It is expected that the trend will also continue in the coming months and there are more and more users who, both at a private level and for companies and organizations, opt for this solution.