When is the Time to Change the Router to Improve the Connection

The router is a fundamental piece for our day to day, to be able to surf the net. We have at our disposal a range of options, since each device can have different characteristics and be suitable for one type of user or others. However, sometimes it does not work properly, there are problems and failures that cause problems with the connection. In this article we are going to talk about when it is time to change your router . Let’s explain what signals can tell us that we have to purchase a new device.

When should we change router

The router is just another device of the many that we have in our day to day. Like any other, it can send warning signs that something is wrong and that it may be time to change it. Like any device, it has a useful life and could cause problems. However, it does not always mean that it stops working completely, but sometimes it can lead to signal loss, speed problems, etc.

When is the Time to Change the Router

Having poor internet speed

One of the main causes that push users to buy a new router is when they notice poor internet speed . This can occur for various reasons. It is possible that the device we are using has problems and may not offer optimum performance, and this translates into loss of speed both wirelessly (most often) and via cable.

But it may also be that we have increased our Internet rate and yet the speed that reaches us is much lower. This router that we have may not have Gigabit Ethernet capacity and we are limited to a maximum of 100 Mbps.

Continuous cuts

Another sign that something is wrong is when we have continuous outages . This is quite common on older routers, which do not have enough capacity to make as many requests. They may also have trouble connecting many devices at the same time.

Therefore, another issue to consider is when we notice that our connection is frequently cut. Those microcuts that cause us to have to restart the router or that we are a few seconds without a network.

Detectar problemas en el router

Limited wireless coverage

Of course, something very important is wireless coverage . Today most of our connections are through wireless devices. Especially with the rise of Internet of Things devices, it is very important to have a good speed and stability of the wireless connection.

An old router may have more limitations when it comes to covering the area from where we want to connect. It does not have as much range and also the quality of the signal will not be the same.

Not having enough Gigabit Ethernet ports

Another problem related to the rate change may be not having enough Gigabit Ethernet ports . It is common for older routers to have only one port with this capacity, while the rest only offer Fast Internet. It can also happen that even a modern router does not have as many ports as we need.

For this reason, another fact to consider is what we discussed related to Gigabit Ethernet ports. We must always adapt to what we are going to need and the amount of equipment we are going to connect.

Does not support modern security encryption

A very important point. Security is vital. Protecting our router can prevent intruders from entering the network that not only cause poor internet speed, but also put our privacy at risk.

If we have an old router it may mean that it does not support modern security encryptions. This could leave our network exposed and suffer attacks.

We want to take advantage of all the resources

Finally, something already more oriented to personalization , we may need to take full advantage of the resources that technology offers us, but nevertheless our router cannot. For example being able to use the latest Wi-Fi standards for which modern mobiles are trained or being able to personalize the device to create guest networks.

In short, these are some signs that can indicate that the time has come to change your router.