What song does this lyric belong to? Best websites to find out

I am sure that at some point in your life you have fallen in love with a song and have searched for its lyrics on the internet to sing it out loud. This is something very funny, and that can make that letter stay with you. But what if over time you remember the lyrics, but you don’t know what song it belongs to ?

If you like music, I am sure that in your head you will keep melodies and songs of all kinds. The problem is that our brains are not hard drives, and it is very easy for us to forget the name of a song, an artist or even only remember a fragment of its lyrics . For those cases, there are a series of websites on the internet that allow us to find out which song a letter belongs to, and today we bring them together in this text.

What song does this lyric belong to


We cannot start this list without placing Google, the search engine par excellence, first. You may use Google dozens of times in your day, but it has not occurred to you that it is ideal to find that song whose chorus you remember .



To find a song for which we only know its lyrics, all we have to do is write the lyrics in question in its search window followed by the word “lyrics” or “lyrics” . In a matter of tenths of a second, both the lyrics and the song will be shown on the screen, and we’ll even get links to YouTube to see its video clip if it had one. One of the most precise websites to search for songs in this way.


If at any time in your life you’ve looked for the lyrics of a song, I’m sure you’ve ended up at Letras.com. This page has been providing us with the lyrics of thousands of songs over the last few years, and of course it is also a perfect place to ask questions about a song.



On its cover we will have the search bar at the top of the screen , and although it is designed for us to enter the name of a song or a specific artist, it will also help us to identify a song by its lyrics. All you have to do is write in the search engine those words or phrases that you remember, and the page will show you all the songs that are in its database that contain those words.


What stands out about Quedeletras.com is its interface, which seems less elaborate than the previous example. However, it is a page that works just as well, and in fact has a specific filter to search for a song by its lyrics.



To use this filter, we will only have to go to the top of the screen and open the dropdown. We can choose between «Lyrics» or «Within Lyrics», especially useful if what we remember is a phrase or a series of words that are outside the chorus of the song .


As far as searching for lyrics or songs is concerned, Lyrics.com is possibly one of the websites that has been in operation for the longest time. It is true that this page can only be used in English , but its interface is really intuitive.



One of the best things about this page is that it has its own mobile application . This contains all the functions of the web, so if you want to find that letter that resists you and you do not want to access a web browser, you can also do it with your smartphone.

Developer: STANDS4

Find Music By Lyrics

The name of this website is a clear declaration of intent, and it is the only one on this list that is specially designed to search for songs through fragments of their lyrics. Its main page only shows us a wooden floor with a search engine. It is simple, but very effective .



To be able to search for what we want, we will only have to type the letter or the fragment of it that we remember. The page will show us, in matching order, all the songs that fit our search .