What is HiTouch for Huawei Phones?

When Huawei introduced artificial intelligence in its devices, we were able to discover a whole world of possibilities that facilitate daily tasks. Some of them allow us to recognize objects or even inform us about the calories in food. But there are others that are more hidden although they can be equally useful. On this occasion we are going to talk about HiTouch, an option available on the high-end, middle and input phones of Huawei and that will allow us to buy something we want or need in a matter of seconds.

That the purchase from the mobile is a reality for years does not escape anyone. In a few touches of the screen we can place an order and receive it at home the next day or in a matter of hours. Manufacturers know it and incorporate tools to make everything easier, even allowing us to find products that are the same and similar to those that interest us most.


What does HiTouch do?

That is precisely what HiTouch does, an option that is somewhat hidden among the accessibility settings of Huawei phones and that allows the user to find the same or similar products , with the possibility of buying them, just by touching with two fingers on the image . Before, to find a product similar or equal to the one we are looking for, we had to go around and more when the name or brand of that product is unknown. Now and thanks to Huawei’s AI algorithms, the task is much simpler.

Huawei Hitouch

How to activate it on a Huawei mobile

The HiTouch function is within the accessibility options, so it can go unnoticed by many users. To find it we have to go to Settings / Accessibility Functions. On the next screen we will see the HiTouch option.

HiTouch Huawei

Accept permissions and conditions

The first time we activate HiTouch we will have to accept the corresponding permissions. These include Internet access so that the application can display the required information. Therefore and before we can activate the function, we will have to accept the permissions screen and the conditions of service. Once done HiTouch will be activated.

HiTouch Huawei

Using HiTouch

Once HiTouch is activated, it can work on any type of image that can be purchased. That is, whether browsing a website or in a WhatsApp conversation, if we leave two fingers click on the image, the magic of AI will begin to act to offer us in a few seconds, the same or similar products. In addition, prices and purchase options are offered. The function is more or less precise depending on the image quality and the precision with which the area of interest is selected. This area of interest can be modified.

HiTouch Huawei

For example, if we press and hold an image in which a person with a jacket and a cap appears, we can mark the selection area so that only the cap or jacket is detected. In this way, HiTouch will be more accurate when it comes to displaying suggestions.