What is and how does a virtual reality environment work?

Virtual reality allows us to fully immerse ourselves in an experience that is not real but that, through the technology used, is quite close to reality. It is being used in various fields such as medicine, tourism, education or entertainment. It is no longer a futuristic technology and it is here to stay, but what is and how does a virtual reality environment work?

how does a virtual reality environment work

What is VR?

Virtual reality consists of the creation of a scenario, fictitious or simulated environment with an appearance similar to reality. It surrounds the user in an immersive 3D environment. Virtual reality environments, through a simulation created by a computer, try to get us closer to the real sensations of our senses. To live this type of experiences, two components are required: a content generator and an interaction device such as VR glasses.

Today’s virtual reality technology includes all kinds of add-ons to make the experience as close to reality as possible: surround sound systems, glasses, walking platforms and many other advanced controls. In this way, we get fully involved not only in virtual reality games, but also in operating room operations or virtual trips without leaving the sofa at home.

Juego de realidad virtual

This is how a VR environment works

The process to start a virtual reality simulation begins by putting on VR glasses. Once we have the glasses on, we can begin to live an immersive experience through movement controls, control the experience through a screen and move our body through said virtual environment. The software used in this type of experience is a video game engine capable of rendering very realistic and high-resolution images. The rendering of this process is what transforms the information of a three-dimensional scene, lighting, textures and 2D frames. It is necessary to have high-performance graphics cards for the operation of virtual reality applications, since for the experience to be optimal, at least a rate of 90 frames per second must be achieved.

When it comes to generating content and virtual reality environments, there are three possibilities.

Recreation of real scenarios

To recreate a real scene it is necessary to use a 360 degree camera to record and photograph the selected place in detail. Once we document the place through videos and photographs, it is necessary to send them to a developer to digitize them. Although in some cases it gives us the feeling that we are observing a real image, all the scenarios that are part of a virtual reality environment have been created entirely with a computer, allowing even virtual events with assistants to be organized.

Virtual world

Another method to create virtual reality content is to create 100% fictional environments. In this case, no photographs or videos are taken of a real place, but the design of the virtual world is created entirely by the imagination of the developer. This method is widely used for the creation of virtual worlds of video games, but it is also being used in the world of medicine or architecture. Which leads us to reflect that not everything digitally designed has to be exclusively an invented world. For example, this technique is very useful for projecting 3D buildings onto a plan.

Use both methods

It consists of mixing virtual environments based on real scenarios and adding new elements. For example, this method can be a very good option in guided visits to museums in natural environments. You can recreate a cave based on images captured in 360 degrees and add elements such as a virtual avatar in the form of a tour guide.

Entornos de realidad virtual

Characteristics of the virtual environment

There are some main characteristics that every virtual reality system or environment must have to achieve a good experience.


A fundamental aspect to immerse the user in the new environment and convey a feeling as close as possible to reality. It is achieved through full peripheral vision of the user using VR glasses and sound canceling headphones.


Ability for users to interact with the scene and control the elements that compose it. Lifting objects, interacting with other characters can enhance the feeling of immersion in the virtual environment.

The narrative

Story-driven experiences that make gamers want to stay longer in the virtual reality environment. Through good stories , users can be made to have a more emotional level with the virtual reality device and environment.