How to Use TikTok Templates for Animated Photo Galleries

Use TIkTok Templates for Animated Photo Galleries

When creating new content on TikTok you have two options. The first is to go easy and just record and post. The second is to find a way to give it a more elaborate look through some video editing software. Although we could add a third: the TikTok templates . Let’s see how they are used.

TikTok and its creative tools

TikTok has always stood out since its inception for offering a series of quite complete and striking creative tools with respect to its competition. Well, at the beginning it really is that they did not even have a real competition in terms of the type of content they proposed, now they do. Instagram is one of the rivals or the rival that is trying to make it the most difficult at all times.

Continuing with the topic that interests us, the options at the level of editing, effects and other extras that can be added when creating new content that are then uploaded to TikTok are very complete. Much more than a large number of users could imagine and even know. And best of all, with a little imagination you could still get more done. It’s all a matter of researching and seeing how to combine everything with each other.

Well, among that set of utilities are the TikTok templates . These allow you to easily create animated content even for the less advanced user. You just have to know where they are located, some additional details and choose the one you like the most to get down to work and create a new publication with which you could achieve a different effect than usual.

How to use TikTok templates

TikTok templates are, as their name suggests, a set of pre-defined designs and effects that allow you to save time and, best of all, to achieve animated effects with a certain complexity that otherwise would be impossible for some or should be done with others. applications that also had something similar or create them using motion graphics tools.

These templates are obviously not a secret, but they are something that there are still users who do not know they are there. That if you use TikTok is a pity, because they could be very useful if you are starting in creating content on that platform and want to differentiate yourself somewhat from the rest of the profiles.

So, if you are interested in knowing how to use them, we are going to tell you everything step by step. And then, from there, it will only be a matter of practicing on your own and trying to combine them with other effects, sounds or texts that you can add.

To start using TikTok templates (these keep increasing and changing over time), the first thing is to open the application and then:

  1. With the TikTok app open, the next thing you should do is touch the icon with the + symbol that you will see at the bottom of the application interface. Yes, the one used to start the camera to record a new video
  2. In the new screen that appears, you will see that the camera text appears below the camera button and next to it, the MV text. So tap there to access other menus or screens
  3. Once inside that new screen, you will see the different templates that you can select appear in the form of a carousel. In each of them you can not only see an image so that you get a quick idea of what it offers, also the maximum number of photos that you can use in them for animation

  1. When you have selected the one that you are most interested in using, the next thing TikTok will do is request access to your roll of photos on your smartphone. Give to accept
  2. Choose the photos you want to use taking into account the maximum number. A piece of information that if you have forgotten what it is, you are reminded at the bottom of the interface
  3. With everything selected, click on accept and TikTok will process the photos to generate the effect or animation that it will show thanks to said template

Once everything is ready, on the next screen you will see that you can continue adding other effects that in combination will give you more options when it comes to improving or completing even more shower publication. This is the part where your imagination will play a fundamental role, because the more imaginative you are, the easier it will be for you to combine ideas.

To finish we don’t need to tell you much more, just fill in the title of the content you are going to share, who could see it or use it to create derived content from it, etc.

Enhancing TikTok content visually

As you can see, these TikTok templates are an interesting way to improve posts on the platform if you don’t have a lot of knowledge. However, it is not the only option that exists. There are many more applications that for years have been offered from video editors for mobile devices such as effects, filters, templates and even automated editions where they are even responsible for choosing what they assume are the best moments of a clip and combining them with others.

You can take advantage of all these tools to create new content on TikTok and break with that trend a bit, although it is also what has made the platform grow, showing only videos with dances and the occasional viral challenge of the moment.

Of course, you can’t forget all those other videos that, as behind the camera, show you how they create transitions directly on camera and with their smartphone and then obtain very striking results. There are many creative accounts on TikTok that will inspire you with new content.

And it is that in the end, although knowing the software is always important, what is really going to allow you to stand out on TikTok is your imagination and way of taking advantage of the resources that you may have around you at all times.

Finally, although Instagram does not like this practice, because its competitor’s watermark appears, you can always share that video or download it to upload to other networks . Thus you save double work or take advantage of the result with tools that you do not have on other platforms.