Twitter Lists: How to Know which One You are On and How to Leave them

Twitter lists are still very useful today. It is more, for some now they are much more than before due to the large number of users who have been reaching the platform. After seeing what they are, let’s talk about how to have a little more control over Twitter lists.

Controlling Twitter lists

Twitter Lists: Know which One You are On

Being able to create a list with those users or Twitter profiles that interest you and without the need to follow them is still very useful. Because you remove noise from the timeline and do not miss anything that can be published. You just have to enter the list and review each and every one of his tweets, which are arranged in chronological order.

How to create a list, add new users, delete them, make it public or private and even delete it is something we already saw here. All this is for the lists that you create, but what happens with the ones that others create. Is it possible to know which lists have included you? Can you decide to be inside as a member or not? How can you regain some control over who might see your posts without resorting to the private account option? Let’s see it.

How to know which lists you are on

Many of us who use Twitter daily do not even know how many lists we can be included in or not. It is not that something really essential, but if you are interested in knowing it, we are going to tell you how to see each and every one of these lists.

This is how you will know which lists you are on:

  1. Open the Twitter app or the web
  2. Go to the Lists option
  3. On the three-point menu click or tap
  4. Click on the new option Lists you are on

Once you have given it you will see how each and every one of the lists in which you have been included appear. This, which for some may be somewhat interesting, for others may be just the opposite. By how they are used or expected to be used, through these lists you can get an idea of why they follow you or are interested in what you publish.

If you appear in lists of the type Technology, Apple, Audiovisual, Android, etc., it is clear that what attracts them is what you contribute to these topics. That does not imply that other types of content that you can publish may not be striking, but if the idea is to use your Twitter profile from a more professional point of view and with which to create a personal brand, this may be a good way to find that niche you are looking for.

How to leave a Twitter list

Abandonar listas de Twitter

Leaving a Twitter list is not possible. It would not make sense to have such an option because you are not the one who creates it. But if for some reason you don’t want to be on that list, what you can do is block the person who created it.

It is true, it may seem like a radical solution, but after all, if you don’t want to be there, it’s because you don’t want that person to read to you. So it is the same solution as blocking it. The difference is that anyone who may be subscribed to that list will also stop reading you.

To leave a list, therefore, what you should do is go to that list and at the top you will see an icon that gives access to three options:

  • Report the list , in case you consider it inappropriate
  • Block @user who created it. This will cause you to be included in that or any of its other lists.
  • View Tweets sorted by most recent or featured. That is, in the same way that you can see your Timeline you can also sort the list

As you can see it is very simple, but think carefully if it is what you want and what possible implications it could have. The important thing is that you already know something else about how the lists work and how to have a little more control in the conversation, especially who will be able to read what you post.