Today we have a large number of devices we connect to the Internet. What is known as IoT devices offers a wide range of possibilities. We are not only talking about computers, mobile phones or tablets, but also about any other device that has a connection, such as a television, smart light bulbs, video players … Our homes are full of this type of equipment. Most of them also connect via Wi-Fi . We are going to give a series of tips to improve the signal if we notice that the Internet is slow when we connect wirelessly.
Why good Wi-Fi is important
The fact that the number of computers we connect to the Internet has increased enormously in recent years makes it necessary more than ever to have a good Wi-Fi network . Many of these devices do not have the possibility of connecting by cable, as we can do with others such as a computer.
Keep in mind that the more devices we have connected to the Internet, the more problems we can suffer. After all, the bandwidth is limited and depending on the rate we have contracted we will have a more or less fast connection. The more limited it is, the less equipment we can connect to the network at the same time and have good quality.
If we want everything to work properly, that we can use all kinds of devices with good speed and also quality and stability of the connection, the Wi-Fi must work as well as possible. Sometimes failures may arise that impair the proper functioning of the network. Therefore, it is convenient to take into account some aspects.
Tricks to improve Wi-Fi
We can mention some tips or tricks in order to improve wireless connectivity. In this way we will ensure that the Wi-Fi works as well as possible, that all the connected devices have a good quality and there are no problems when using the different programs with access to the network.
Relocate the router
One of the most important points to keep in mind for Wi-Fi to work well is the position of the router . It is essential to be able to cover the largest possible surface, with the best possible performance. This is where users often make mistakes that weigh down the connection and slow it down.
Our advice is that we put the device in a central location in the home. In this way we can distribute the signal as best as possible. Isolated areas must be avoided, which are blocked by walls or walls. It is also a mistake to place it near other electronic devices that may interfere.
Also, it is interesting that it is in an elevated position . We should not put it in the lower part of a piece of furniture, for example. It is better to stand higher, since Wi-Fi waves are better distributed in this way.
Use amplifiers
Another trick to improve Wi-Fi is to make use of amplifiers . There are many devices that we can use to improve coverage. We can name PLCs, repeaters, Wi-Fi Mesh systems … All of them allow us to carry the connection from one point to another in the home, trying to maintain the best possible speed.
Therefore, our advice is to purchase a wireless amplifier to improve the connection in our home. We will have to choose which one best suits our needs, since not all cover the same surface, nor do they all offer the same speed. Once we have the installation ready we will be able to enjoy a better quality of the wireless network in our equipment.
Keep the firmware updated
Of course it is also essential to have our equipment updated . On the one hand we are going to avoid problems that may arise. But we will also achieve better performance. Firmware is a fundamental part of the router. If we are using an outdated one, which has not been updated for years, it could have problems that are reflected in the performance.
In this way, our advice is to always update the router . The way in which we can do it will depend on the exact model, although it is generally carried out from the device itself. We can enter through the default gateway (usually and there look for the corresponding option to update the router’s firmware.
Protect devices
Safety is a very important factor and one that we must maintain at all levels. It does not matter what type of device we are using, nor the operating system. This of course also has to be applied to the router. We must always keep it free from threats, totally safe.
Something essential is to use passwords that are strong and complex . We have to create a strong key both to access the router and the wireless network. That password must contain letters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and other special symbols. It has to be completely random and unique.
But not only the key that we are using matters, but also the encryption. Wi-Fi networks allow you to use different types of encryption to protect them. We must avoid those that are obsolete, such as WEP.
Wear the right band
Modern devices allow us to connect through the 2.4 Ghz and 5 GHz bands . Each of them is better at certain times. The first is ideal to connect when we are far from the router or there are obstacles that can weaken the signal. It is less sensitive to distance, but offers lower speed. On the other hand, the 5 GHz band is more sensitive to distance, but it offers us a much higher speed.
Therefore we must choose at all times which band to choose. If Wi-Fi is slow it could be due to using the wrong band. We can try to do a speed test on each of the bands and find out which one works best in our circumstances.
Change the channel
One more trick that we can take into account to improve Wi-Fi is to change the channel . There are many that we have available, but if we are using a congested one, we could have problems navigating the network correctly and achieving a good speed.
This could happen if we are in a building with many routers nearby. In case of being connected to a very saturated channel, it could translate into problems for our devices to use the network.
How to tell if Wi-Fi is not working well
We have seen some tricks to improve Wi-Fi . Now we are going to see some interesting points to know if the wireless network can malfunction. In this way we will know how to detect problems as soon as possible to remedy.
Speed test
One of the most effective methods that we can take into account to know if the Wi-Fi works well or not is to perform a speed test . In this way we can compare the speed that reaches us with what we have contracted. We can also compare it to cable speed.
If we see that what comes to us is lower than it should, we can always optimize the wireless connection. We may have some bad configuration, we have placed the router wrong, etc. We can take into account the tricks that we mentioned earlier.
Very high latency
Another symptom that Wi-Fi is not working well is when the latency is too high. This can greatly affect when playing online games or using certain applications such as for video calls. It is always advisable that the ping is as low as possible and over wireless networks this is sometimes not possible.
Cuts when sailing
We can also run into cuts when sailing . For example, when watching a streaming video we may notice that it constantly cuts out and does not load fast. This may be due to poor quality of the wireless connection.
We could also notice problems when downloading something or visiting web pages. If we notice that the download is interrupted or that the web takes too long to load, it is possible that our connection does not work correctly.
Wi-Fi disconnects
One last clue that our Wi-Fi is not working well is when it is constantly disconnected . We are connected to a network and suddenly we see it disconnect and start searching for networks again.
It could be a problem with coverage. It is frequent that if the signal that arrives is very weak, there are these types of cuts. Hence the importance of correctly positioning the router and using amplifiers that can offer greater stability.
In short, the use of Wi-Fi is very important today. Sometimes we can run into speed and quality problems that we can easily solve if we consider the tricks that we have mentioned in this article.