Transform Your Facebook: Eliminate Unwanted Posts and Friends

With the passing of time, your Facebook account can get bogged down with outdated posts, friends that aren’t worth it and memberships to groups you shouldn’t be in. Tidying up your profile regularly improves your presence online as well as your presence verified shared information. Here are seven effective steps to declutter your Facebook account:

clean facebook

1. Remove Unnecessary Contacts

With time, you will forget some people. To maintain a relevant friends list:

  1. Go to your Profile and go to “Friends” tab.
  2. Look through the list and find contacts you simply don’t interact with anymore.
  3. Next to the person’s name, click the “Friends” button and then click on “Unfriend.”

It helps you keep your connexions meaningful and up to date.

2. Delete Outdated Posts

You may not hold the same views and interests for old posts. To remove them:

  1. Click on “Manage Posts” on your profile.
  2. You can use philtres to find posts relative to certain dates or categories.
  3. Click on the posts that you want to delete and click on “Next” and choose “Delete Posts.”

Consequently, your timeline remains current and it accurately represents who you are at any given day.

3. Unfollow irrelevant groups and pages.

Some groups or pages may sometimes not be relevant, as interests change over time. To manage them:

  1. On your profile, go to “Groups” or “Pages” tab.
  2. Take a look at the list and see what you’ve stopped hanging out with.
  3. To leave group, click “Joined” for groups and choose “Leave Group.” For pages click on ‘Following’ & select ‘Unfollow’.

It declutters your news feed and aligns the news you’re seeing with the things you care about right now.

4. Remove Unwanted Photo Tags

Perhaps you are tagged in photos you’d rather not show up on your profile. To untag yourself:

  1. Now, go to “Activity Log” from your profile.
  2. To see tagged posts or photos, select ‘Activity… you’re tagged in’.
  3. Click on the three dots below the photo and select Remove Tag.

It prevents unwanted photos from appearing on your timeline.

5. Update Personal Information

Ensure that your profile information is current:

  1. Go to ‘About’ on your profile.
  2. Check out review sections such as “Work and Education”, and “Places Lived”.
  3. Click on ‘Edit’ button on each page to get yourself up to date with any information that may have out dated.

Knowing makes it easy for others to relate to the here and now you.

6. Block Third Party Apps

But over time you may have granted access to some apps. To manage them:

  1. Click on “Settings & Privacy” > then “Settings.”
  2. Move to the “Apps and Websites” on the left sidebar.
  3. Now click on the list and remove any apps if they are not in use anymore with a click of “Remove.”

It protects your data from unsolicited access by your data from unsolicited third parties.

7. Review Privacy Settings

To control who sees your information:

  1. Go to “Settings & Privacy” > “Privacy Checkup.”
  2. Setting types under adjust post settings, profile information and more.

Monitoring these settings regularly will make sure it’s all shared the way you want it to be.

If followed this steps, you will keep your Facebook profile neat and updated and protect your privacy.