This VPN trick helps you pay less for your online purchases

Having a VPN not only helps you improve security on public networks or hide your real IP, but in some cases it can help you save money. In this article we are going to talk about why using this type of program can make you pay less for your online purchases . You will see that there are certain cases in which you can save when you go to make a purchase on the Internet.

Shopping with VPN can save money

This VPN trick helps you pay less for your online purchases

You may have seen on some occasion that using a VPN to buy flights can be cheaper than if you connect to the Internet normally. Is this true? We can say yes and no. The same can happen with other online services or purchases you make on foreign pages. Sometimes you could save money , but many times you can’t.

Why can you save when shopping with VPN? Sometimes companies, such as an airline, have prices that may be somewhat different depending on the country. Basically they are marketing strategies, market analysis and reports that they may have on how clients act. We already anticipate that this will not work for you (or practically never) on Low Cost airlines or flights within Europe. Yes, it can help you if you buy a flight to Asia or America, but in certain cases.

One of the reasons may be in the currency exchange . If, for example, you buy a Madrid-Lima flight, if you navigate from Spain, the price will appear in euros. On the other hand, if you enter with a different IP, such as a Brazilian address for example, the currency changes. It is there, in the currency exchange, where you can sometimes win. Also, as we say, due to a simple marketing strategy of using different prices depending on the country.

But you can also see this in other cases, such as when renting a car in another country, subscribing to a service to watch videos or listen to music, as well as online stores that sell products internationally. There you could also find small price differences, especially due to the currency exchange.

Ventajas y desventajas de un servidor VPN en casa

Countries with another currency, more likely to pay less

But be careful, as we say, it is not something that will always happen. You may be lucky and find a company that has different prices depending on where the customer is from, but many others that you will see that nothing changes. However, if you use a good VPN that has many servers hosted in different countries , you may want to experiment until you find one where you can save money. Mainly in those where they may have a currency that fluctuates a lot, you could find a significant difference at times. For example ExpressVPN or NordVPN are good options.

It is important to choose the VPN well , since if you install one that is not reliable you can have security problems. You could be exposing data without knowing it and that will compromise your privacy. You can always read comments on the Internet, reports that review that program and see what features it has.

In short, as you can see, using a VPN to save money when shopping online doesn’t always work, but sometimes you could find cheaper products or services. Especially because of the currency exchange, sometimes you can see that something you are looking for can be found for less money.