These tricks won’t stop you from failing a breathalyzer test

Despite the fact that there are many comments and ‘recipes’ that some drivers give to avoid giving a positive breathalyzer test, we will tell you no, they will not work. These are usually tips or recommendations that are given in a very bad way when alcohol has been ingested… despite the fact that it is a totally reckless practice behind the wheel.

These tricks won't stop you from failing a breathalyzer test

No trick is used to circumvent the breathalyzer test

The ‘drink don’t drive’ premise should be a mantra for all drivers. Actually, not drinking alcohol is the best way to avoid failing a breathalyzer test. Thus, it has been estimated that, of every 100 fatal accidents on the roads, alcohol is involved in between 30 and 50 of them , according to the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) on its website.

In any case, some drivers think that, by means of some trick, they will be able to deceive the breathalyzer or mark a permitted blood alcohol level: there are many myths and false beliefs that circulate regarding alcohol and driving. However, the answer is that no trick is used to circumvent the breathalyzer test.

As such, this is the litmus test, the breathalyzer, the instrument used by both the Municipal Police and the Civil Guard, on the road, to find out if we drive above these values and, consequently, apply the corresponding sanction. The National Police, however, requires the Municipal Police to carry out the test.

What you should know

The reality of this is that we are not going to be able to fool the breathalyzer for a very simple reason. And it is that in a breathalyzer control, this measures the concentration of alcohol in the alveolar air , which is in balance with the blood.

This means that, even if you try to reduce the ‘alcohol in the mouth’, as they say, and with some of these tricks to deceive him, what you will achieve is that the breathalyzer test will continue to detect the alcohol that is already in your blood.

Thus, and given the ignorance of many and the risk posed by drinking alcohol before or while driving, we are going to show you a few lines to talk about those supposed methods that could allow the breathalyzer to be fooled… but that are not really at all. case.

Water and medicines

As the DGT points out, drinking water does not have the effect that many drivers would like. Yes, the consumption of water allows more liquid to be eliminated, but that is precisely the error: that only water is eliminated . The amount of alcohol that leaves the body is very small, and measuring devices hardly notice it.

And of course, what the DGT categorically denies is that there are drugs that reduce the blood alcohol level. Not only do they have no scientific basis, but some may even increase the effects of alcohol, as the General Directorate warns. This includes vitamin B or inhalers for asthmatic diseases.

Blow without taking air

As we well know, for the breathalyzer control to work it is essential that the appropriate amount of air enters the breathalyzer through the mouthpiece. Pretending that you try again and again and that you are not able to blow hard enough will not free you from the test.

The only thing we are going to get is to end up in the hospital waiting for a blood test and, what is worse: accused of refusing to do the tests (this is classified as a crime with a fine and prison sentence).

Positivo control alcoholemia

Do exercise

This popular belief is based on the fact that, by forcing blood circulation through exercise, the elimination of alcohol is accelerated through sweating.

Well, that’s true, but the increase in that speed is minimal and practically negligible . Making intense efforts in certain conditions is not good for your health and, in addition, you already want to start exercising with a good level of alcohol on top.

Candies, chocolates, coffee…

When you consume an alcoholic drink, it passes through the esophagus, through the stomach and into the small intestine. Some of that alcohol passes directly into the bloodstream through the mucous membrane, and most through the walls of the small intestine. Upon entering the bloodstream, ethanol quickly reaches all parts of the body because it is soluble in water.

This means that, although there is ‘little alcohol’ in the mouth, the ethanol will already have reached the blood in many other ways, and the breathalyzer will detect it. Coffee (and candies, chocolate…) however, speeds up metabolism and can help eliminate alcohol in the blood sooner. But not enough to fool the breathalyzer in such short timeframes of a breathalyzer test.

Suck coffee beans

Sucking on coffee beans as if they were candy is one of the tricks most mentioned by those who believe that breathalyzers are stupid.

But no, they are not and this technique does not magically lower the liters of alcohol into the air. Of course, it will keep you alert to endure the time that the Police will have you waiting at the control.