After installing any program on our PC, the first thing we want is for it to work efficiently and without errors, something that can be extended to applications related to office automation. Among the many options available in this software sector, we can highlight the LibreOffice open source project .
Over time, little by little, more and more alternatives to the popular and powerful Microsoft Office are emerging. One of these proposals is the aforementioned LibreOffice , a productivity suite with programs that will be of great help to us in multiple tasks. How could it be otherwise here we find a text editor, a program to work with spreadsheets, another with multimedia presentations, one to generate mathematical formulas, etc.
Keep in mind that this is a suite that originally grew out of OpenOffice . But over time it has far surpassed this proposal and has become one of the most used in the sector. A good part of all this is to blame for the constant updates that its main managers send us. As is usual in most programs, these elements that periodically reach us allow us to correct errors and add new functions. Moreover, in most cases it is best to install the most recent version of the program that we have installed.
All of this allows us to work safely with these applications, in addition to making the most of all the new features that little by little arrive. We tell you all this because LibreOffice offers us a series of parameters related to this section of updates , as we will see.
Configure LibreOffice updates and upgrade the suite
Despite the fact that this is a suite that is configured by default to offer us the most common functions and features, we can customize them. This means that we have the possibility to adapt the operation of the programs that are part of it to a great extent. All this is something that extends to the updates that its top managers send us from time to time. In this way, in addition to adapting this process to our needs, we will be able to get more out of the suite and prevent updates from interfering with our work .
To do all this that we are telling you, the first thing we must do is start the Control Panel of the LibreOffice suite. In the left panel we find all the programs that are part of it, while we also see a series of menu options. In the case at hand, we click on Tools / Options . Here we find a series of sections to configure the program. The one that interests us is the so-called Online Update.
In the window that appears on the screen we will have the possibility to configure these updates that we are talking about. The first thing we recommend you do is activate the automatic updates function . In addition, here we can establish how often a search for the latest versions of LibreOffice will be carried out. Likewise, in the event that we are short of disk space, we can customize the path and unit where these new versions are downloaded natively.
Another very important section here is the possibility of activating a function that sends the hardware available on our PC to the developer firm of the suite. In this way we help in the development of these office software LibreOffice will try to adapt to our hardware and software needs.