How to See the Flags and Other Modified Firefox Options

Mozilla, as it happens with the rest of the developers of Internet browsers, does not stop improving its projects in order to cover the needs of its users. And it is necessary to take into account that this type of software in particular, is one of the most used lately, either on mobile phones or on the desktop PC.

Many of the new functions that these software giants send to their programs, first of all they do it as a test or as advanced configuration. Later and depending on the use and acceptance of all this, it is implemented, or not, for everyone.

See the Flags and Other Modified Firefox Options

What is the Firefox advanced settings page

Well, at this point, as many of you may already know, the internal page of this program is about: config . Therefore, to access it, we just have to type this in the address bar of the browser . It is worth mentioning that this tool is very useful to make changes in the advanced configuration of the program.

Keep in mind that many parameters are included here that users could not change otherwise. At the same time it must be taken into account that these are test parameters or for advanced users that other browsers do not provide at all. What’s more, Mozilla released a redesign of the about: config page in the latest versions of the Mozilla web browser. This new design uses popular standards like HTML and JavaScript and came in early 2019 in trial versions.

About Firefox Settings

Admittedly, this initial version of the redesigned page received some criticism, as Mozilla released it without fully adding the functionality of the old version. The main points of criticism were based on the fact that the data could no longer be classified and that all preferences could not be listed on the page. Also double clicking to edit values ​​or change states did not work as well as before. This is why Mozilla itself addressed some of these issues in the latest updates .

For example it is now possible to display all the preferences and use those double clicks mentioned. Also, the classification is not compatible in the stable version of Firefox, although Mozilla has already revealed that it will not introduce these features. Therefore, users who want to take a look at all the modified preferences now have a new option.

How to view changed advanced parameters

This will serve to show all the preferences modified in about: config, since the list of preferences modified in about: support , only shows some of these, but not all that have been changed. Therefore, for this we have to access the mentioned about: config page from the Firefox address bar. Next we confirm that we will be careful in the warning and activate the link Show all.

So we will see all the options that we can modify in this section. Therefore, once on the screen, we use the key combination Ctrl + Shift + K to be able to see the console of the development tools. After writing Allow glue to use bonding commands of Firefox , copy the following:

var elements = document.getElementsByTagName (‘tr’);

[… Elements] .filter (

el =>! el.classList.contains (‘has-user-value’)

) .forEach (

el => = ( === ‘none’)? ‘table-row’: ‘none’


Modified Firefox parameters

These instructions analyze the data and only show the preferences that have been modified in the program. Keep in mind that we can go through the list to check all the preferences modified in Firefox. But of course, this change we have made is temporary in nature, so a page reload reloads the standard listing.