Say goodbye to viruses! Scan a QR code safely

It is clear that with the arrival of Covid-19 in our lives, one of those functions that have become a trend has been the QR code scanner on our smartphones. In addition, it is already rare to find a phone of the brand that does not have this possibility. However, what really interests us is not to fall into the trap of entering a code that contains some type of malware.

Scan a QR code safely

More than anything, because in some cases, our own smartphones will directly access the web as soon as we scan the code. And, although most of the QRs that we use are linked to businesses to offer us their information, we can always find some cases that have bad intentions.

Protect yourself from suspicious QR codes

The best way to avoid a virus through QR codes will not only be based on logic, that is, we will not only have to take into account those codes that are of our interest, but we will have to use the scanner of our smartphone.

qr camara samsung

For this reason, we must pay attention to the one that we are going to access once we read the QR code . For this, there are many smartphones that provide us with this option, that is, they offer us the web address or a summary of the content that we find on said website as soon as we scan it. However, not all mobile devices have this ability, although most do, and it cannot always be configured.

Therefore, to avoid falling into this trap, it is best to configure the app for reading these QR codes so that it does not directly access the link. To do this, we must access the camera settings of our smartphone> Scan QR codes and activate this option if we did not have it enabled. And if in your case you can only get to configure this option, it will be because when you focus on any code, it will show you the content that you will enter as soon as you click on the pop-up window that will appear on the screen.

However, if your smartphone does not give you the option to configure it, you can always go to another alternative method, as we will show you below.

Google Lens will be of great help

Basically, this option will be aimed at those who cannot configure the QR scanner of their smartphones, because with the help of its Google Lens tool we will be able to recognize all the QR codes that will take us to links, websites or files in a very simple way.

google lens qr

The first thing we will do is access the Google search bar or the quick access to the app that also usually comes installed on Android terminals. When we are inside, instead of writing anything, what we will do is touch on the small icon in the shape of a camera. This will take us to the Google Lens reader, which will identify the QR codes .

Finally, as soon as you focus on any code, it will show us its information. And thus, we will avoid entering any website that contains malware, yes, we will have to continue using logic.