How to Save Unlimited Files in OneDrive Personal Store

As many of you may already know first hand, OneDrive is the cloud storage platform that Microsoft provides to its users. As with many other similar services, we have a free modality, in addition to a more advanced one, but for a fee.

Many large companies have long had their own cloud storage service to offer their customers. That’s something that happens, for example, with Google’s Drive , or Microsoft’s OneDrive. Well, in these lines we are going to talk about a somewhat special functionality that the Redmond’s proposal presents to us.

Save Unlimited Files in OneDrive

What is the Personal Store that we find in OneDrive

Specifically here we are going to talk about the function known as Personal Warehouse of the platform. This is an initially free but limited feature of OneDrive, specifically designed to store sensitive and personal files. Here we can add files such as documents, personal videos, photos, etc. The main difference with the rest of the saved data is that the data that is loaded in this area is protected with an encryption system.

Almacén Personal OneDrive

Clearly, what this actually achieves is stronger security with two-factor authentication, in addition to the usual login process. Thus, users will have the opportunity to save in a more secure way all those files that they consider to be more sensitive or personal. But of course, a great drawback that this Personal Warehouse presents us, is that you cannot upload more than three files. Say that in order to store more than 3 files, we will have to purchase a subscription to Microsoft 365 , of course, paying.

However, this is a limitation that in a simple way we are going to be able to jump and that we are going to show you how to do it. Thus, in these same lines we will describe the solution that allows us to increase up to an unlimited number of files to the Personal Store, all without a subscription to Microsoft 365.

How to skip the limitation of the Personal Warehouse

Actually, in order to carry out this trick that we mentioned, all we have to do is group all those files that we want to protect. The way to group all of them into one is simple, creating a compressed file. For example, for this we can locate ourselves in the Windows File Explorer, and select those files that we want to group. Then we click with the right mouse button and select the Compress to option.

Comprimir ficheros

So what we do is that everything we want to protect in the OneDrive Personal Store, becomes a single file, whatever the amount of these we have added. Then we are going to have to upload them to the storage platform as such. But of course, in this case that compressed file will be taken by the service as a single file. To do this we go to the OneDrive application and click on the Personal Store option.

Almacén Personal OneDrive

Before we can access the protected space itself, we will have to authenticate ourselves to our Microsoft account, with two-step verification included. Then and once we are in it, we can upload the files with the method discussed above. And of course, this is recommended since Microsoft makes it clear to us from the beginning that we can only save a maximum of three files if we do not have an Office 365 subscription. However, with this method, what we do is upload just one, even if only in theory.