Safeguarding Your Google Account: Managing and Changing Your Phone Number

When we register on a website, many platforms request our email address, and some also invite us to provide our mobile phone number. This additional measure is not for advertising purposes but serves as an added layer of security. Our phone number can be used to receive verification codes for account access, recovery links, and it may even be the sole means to regain access if we forget our password or if Google detects suspicious activity on our account.

However, if we change our phone number, it’s essential to inform Google, just as we would inform friends and family. Contrary to common misconceptions, Google solely uses our phone number for account protection and will never send promotional messages or advertisements of any kind.

google account phone number

Changing Your Google Account Phone Number

The process of changing the phone number associated with your Google account is straightforward and can be done via smartphone, tablet, or PC. The PC method is the most convenient and straightforward. Follow these steps:

  1. Open a new tab in your web browser and navigate to Google’s homepage (
  2. Click on your profile picture or avatar icon, then select “Manage your Google account.”
  3. In the left column, you’ll find various options and information related to your Google account. Locate the “Personal information” section.
  4. Within the “Personal information” section, you’ll find your phone number and any additional contact addresses associated with your account for account recovery purposes.
  5. To change or delete your phone number, click on it. You’ll see the date you last verified it, along with the devices that support self-check. To modify it, click on your phone number once more.
  6. In the next window that appears, click on the pencil icon situated to the right of your phone number to make changes. If you wish to delete your phone number and opt not to use it for account recovery, click on the trash icon and confirm the deletion.

It’s generally advisable to keep a phone number associated with your account, as it is the quickest and easiest way to recover your account in the event of any issues. Deleting your phone number can complicate account recovery.