Reasons to buy a laptop installed with Linux or FreeDOS

When it comes to purchasing a new laptop, there are several manufacturers that offer users the choice between pre-installed Windows operating system, a Linux distribution, or even FreeDOS to lower the overall price. So, which option is the best?

The answer to that question largely depends on our specific needs and intended usage of the device. If we are considering the possibility of choosing a laptop with a Linux distribution, here are five compelling reasons why it can be an excellent choice.

Linux installed laptop

A laptop without Windows is cheaper

Purchasing a Windows 11 license can cost around 100 euros, although there are cheaper options available, such as Windows 10 licenses on Amazon for just over 15 euros. These Windows 10 licenses can be utilized to upgrade to Windows 11 seamlessly. When buying a computer with pre-installed Windows, we are required to pay an additional fee to the manufacturer for the license since it is not included in the base price of the computer. By opting for a model without pre-installed Windows, we can save more than 100 euros.

The money saved from choosing a laptop without the Microsoft system can be put to good use by investing in better components for the same price as a model that comes with Windows pre-installed. This allows us to enhance the overall performance and capabilities of the laptop within the same budget.

Linux is free

In contrast to Windows, many popular Linux distributions, such as Ubuntu, are freely available and offer similar functionality and a user-friendly interface. Ubuntu, in particular, is a reliable choice with a design that resembles Windows. Moreover, like Windows, Ubuntu provides long-term support and regular updates, ensuring that users can benefit from ongoing improvements and avoid being left behind after the initial installation. This level of support sets Ubuntu apart from less popular Linux distributions that may not offer the same longevity or widespread community assistance.

Install Ubuntu 22.04 - 10

That’s correct. If we ever change our mind or need to use Windows for specific purposes, we can always choose to manually install it on the laptop and activate it with a license. However, by opting for a Linux distribution from the beginning, we can save money that would otherwise be spent on a Windows license. This flexibility allows us to have more control over our expenses and allocate our budget towards other components or upgrades for the laptop.

Applications of all kinds

While Linux may not offer applications like Photoshop or Microsoft Office, there are excellent alternatives available that can meet your needs. For image editing, GIMP is a powerful open-source application that has earned a reputation as a “free alternative to Photoshop.” It provides a wide range of tools and features for editing images.

When it comes to creating documents, the suite of applications included in LibreOffice is more than capable of fulfilling your requirements for text documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and more.

One advantage of Linux applications is their optimization and privacy. They are often designed to be lightweight and efficient, resulting in smoother performance on your system. Additionally, Linux distributions tend to prioritize privacy and security, offering more control over your data compared to Windows or macOS.

The equipment will work without problems

The hardware compatibility with Linux distributions is generally excellent, allowing for seamless functioning on both laptops and desktop computers. Users will not encounter significant limitations beyond finding alternative applications similar to those commonly used in Windows. Many manufacturers not only provide support for Windows drivers but also offer the option to download specific drivers for Linux systems.

To fully optimize the performance of the hardware, it may be necessary to install proprietary drivers released by manufacturers. This is particularly relevant for graphics cards or Wi-Fi adapters, where the proprietary drivers can enhance functionality and provide better performance. By installing these drivers, users can ensure they are getting the maximum potential from their hardware components.


It is important to clarify that describing Windows as the most widely used operating system does not imply that it is inherently insecure. Due to its widespread popularity, malicious actors often target Windows devices with their activities, developing software designed to exploit vulnerabilities in these systems. On the other hand, Linux and macOS have a comparatively lower market share, making them less attractive targets for such attacks.

The higher the number of devices susceptible to a vulnerability, the greater the opportunities for malicious actors to achieve their objectives. Given Windows’ market share, which is close to 90%, it presents a larger attack surface. However, it should be noted that both Linux and macOS are not immune to security threats. The security of an operating system depends on various factors, including the implementation of robust security measures, regular software updates, and user awareness of best security practices.

Regardless of the operating system being used, it is crucial to maintain proper security measures, stay updated with the latest patches and updates, and practice good online hygiene to mitigate potential risks.