Prevent Mozilla from stealing your data when using Firefox with this trick

Current internet browsers are developed to be compatible on multiple platforms. Here we talk about the possibility of installing them both on our desktop computers and on mobile devices, which opens up a wide range of possibilities. This is the case, for example, of one of the most widely used and well-known programs of this type, Mozilla Firefox.

It is more than likely that many of you use this program on both platforms, that is, on the computer or laptop, and on the mobile. Precisely for this, the synchronization function that we are talking about is useful. This allows us, for example, to use the data stored by our Firefox on the PC, directly on the mobile device on which we use it. It is evident that for all this we need to use the same user account in the program to move around the Internet.

Prevent Mozilla from stealing your data when using Firefox

In this way, the data that we store locally in the PC browser is stored on a remote server of the firm so that we can use it on the mobile. Of course, not everyone is totally in agreement with this type of movement, especially for reasons of security and privacy in the browser. Precisely for this reason the Mozilla program allows us, in the first place, to activate or deactivate the synchronization functionality . In addition, in the event that we opt for its use, we can also specify the types of data that we wish to treat here.

Therefore, those who want their personal browser data to go through Mozilla’s servers , the first thing they should do is access the program’s settings. This is achieved through its main menu by accessing Settings.

Disable or limit Firefox sync

At that moment a new window will open and in its left panel we see the categories into which the configuration of this browser is divided. Here we are interested in placing ourselves in the Synchronization section, as it is easy to imagine. The first thing we can do is disable synchronization or even delete the user account from the program. But at the same time it may be the case that we are interested in benefiting from this function, but in a controlled manner.

sincronización Firefox

With this, what we want to tell you is that Firefox offers us the possibility of establishing in detail the type of data that will be synchronized . Therefore, if what we fear is for our privacy and security, what we will do next is click on the button that says Change. We must bear in mind that by default the browser makes use of all types of data stored here and that we see from the start. But next we’re going to set limits and specify what we really want to sync.

In this way, in the window that appears, we find all the types of information that will be sent to the Mozilla server so that we can use it on the rest of the devices. Next to each type of data there is a selector that we can uncheck so that they are not sent or synchronized.

datos Firefox

For example, those concerned about their privacy should avoid sending items such as passwords or credit cards . And it is that these are especially private elements that of course we do not want to share with anyone. Therefore, in this case we would only have to uncheck the selector corresponding to these two entries so that this would not be synchronized or sent to the firm’s servers. To say that we can do the same with the rest of the tickets available here.