Nintendo Switch Software Update: Improved Screen Sharing and More

Nintendo released a new update for its portable console. Through this new firmware, Nintendo Switch users will be able to share screenshots more easily through their smartphones or PC. A novelty that improves on the previous method.

Nintendo best screenshots on Nintendo Switch

Nintendo Switch

Nintendo announced the arrival of a new firmware update for its Nintendo Switch portable console. The version 11.0.0 to order the improvement of the features that today most demanding users of any platform, sharing screenshots and video of their games.

Among all the news, the most important of all is the one related to screenshots and videos. Now you can send this content directly to your smartphone or even PC without having to go through the use of a Twitter or Facebook account as it used to be. And that’s interesting, because if you didn’t want to share these captures in public, you had to have private profiles, so it was a mess to switch accounts.

Now the process of sharing this material, without being extremely comfortable, is somewhat simplified and offers a bit more versatility. Thus, if you want to share a capture with your smartphone, all you have to do is select the option Send to mobile phone from the share options  This will generate a QR code that you will have to scan to access the download link for the file.

The second option is to do it directly to the PC through a USB cable connection. You connect the Nintendo Switch to the computer and within the System Settings> Data manager> Screenshot and video gestures you can activate the option to transfer the files.

Other news of the new Nintendo Switch Firmware

It is true that it is still a very Nintendo way of sharing and it is not completely comfortable, but it is a significant improvement over what was previously and that required the use of a Twitter or Facebook account.

Along with this new firmware version 11.0.0 come other new features such as the automatic download of data saved in the cloud to several consoles where the same user account is associated. Also a new Trends section within the user page that provides a social plus by showing what your friends are playing or a new direct access to the online services of Nintendo Switch.

Finally, this new update also adds 12 new users icons that are themed on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of Super Mario Bros . But without a doubt, the most important of all is the one we have discussed about the captures. Despite being able to make it even easier, with respect to the previous method it will now be less lazy to share those moments that catch your attention.

How to update the Nintendo Switch software

To update the software of your Nintendo Switch you just have to go to the System Settings and in the last option of System select Update system . With your console connected to the internet, it will search for the new firmware on the Nintendo servers and after downloading it will proceed to the installation process.

From that moment on you can start enjoying these new features, small and large, that seek to improve the user experience with the Nintendo laptop.