My phone won’t turn on after it ran out of battery, what to do?

When faced with a mobile phone that refuses to turn on, it can be quite concerning and leave us wondering what went wrong. We question whether we accidentally pressed a button, dropped the phone, or if there is a more serious issue at hand. Fortunately, in most cases, the root cause is simply a drained battery, which can usually be easily resolved.

However, we should not take it for granted that a mobile phone, once turned off due to a dead battery, will always be able to power back on. This unfortunate outcome can occur when the battery completely dies. Naturally, no one wants to find themselves in such a predicament. Therefore, we will provide you with the necessary steps to prevent this from happening and, of course, guide you on how to revive your phone and get it to turn on once again.


You should never allow it to reach 0%

Taking into account the battery life of our mobile devices is crucial in ensuring their longevity and preventing issues such as a complete shutdown and failure to turn back on. When we let the battery level reach 0%, we subject it to increased stress, resulting in accelerated degradation of its capacity and overall lifespan. Working below 10% can raise the temperature and further impact the battery’s chemical components. To maintain optimal battery health, it is recommended to recharge the device when it reaches around 20%. However, in certain situations where it is unavoidable, a temporary dip below this threshold should not pose significant problems. Nonetheless, when we notice the battery level reaching 5%, it is advisable to promptly connect the device to a power source or consider shutting it down to avoid potential complications.

Utilizing the battery-saving mode is an effective strategy to prevent a mobile phone from shutting down and struggling to power back on. Both Android and iOS offer this feature, which restricts connections, reduces power consumption, and temporarily suspends unnecessary processes. Additionally, carrying a charging cable or a power bank with us at all times ensures that we can replenish the battery without subjecting it to excessive strain. By taking these precautions, we can safeguard the battery life of our mobile devices and mitigate the risk of encountering difficulties in turning them on.

turn off turn on mobile

Patience is the mother of science

If you find yourself in a situation where your phone has shut down due to a depleted battery, it’s important to exercise patience and follow the appropriate steps for a safe and successful power-up. Avoid the temptation to immediately turn on the phone as soon as you plug it in, as this can result in a sudden power surge and potentially cause further issues. Even if the battery indicator appears on the screen, it’s best to remain calm and proceed cautiously. Attempting to power it on too quickly may lead to the phone briefly displaying the Android boot screen before shutting off again, which can have negative consequences.

mobile charging

The recommended approach when dealing with a phone that won’t turn on due to a drained battery is to connect it to a charger and allow the cells to regain energy. Choose a location with moderate temperatures and wait for approximately 10 to 15 minutes before attempting to turn it on. If the phone has been inactive for an extended period, you may need to wait even longer.

If, after waiting for the designated time, you still can’t get the phone to turn on, it’s advisable to make the following changes:

1. Try using a different charger, preferably the original one that came with the phone.
2. Use a different charging cable.
3. Connect the phone to a different electrical outlet in your home.

It’s important to note that portable batteries and car chargers may have limited power output, which could hinder the phone’s ability to recharge efficiently within a short period. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid using these alternatives in such cases if possible. By following these guidelines, you increase the chances of successfully powering up your phone without encountering further complications.