Motorola: How to Activate Moto Voice Commands

Virtual assistants have become almost essential for many users. Being able to give voice commands and activate functions or receive information is the most useful that our mobiles have integrated in years. Motorola mobiles also integrate this function, thanks to the Moto Voice tool, which can be activated very easily.

Motorola: How to Activate Moto Voice Commands

Manufacturers have put the focus on virtual assistants or functions that allow us to operate our mobile without touching it . The good thing is that these functions are not exclusive to any price range, finding them available from the entry range to the high range.

How to activate Moto Voice

In the case of Motorola, Moto Voz allows you to control the phone without using your hands, using voice commands. We just have to train our mobile to help you recognize our voice and execute voice searches or unique device commands. As Motorola Moto Voz itself explains, it is a separate application from Google Voice but works with Google Voice Search.

moto voz movilzona

In order to activate Moto Voice we will have to start the Moto app and enter the Moto Voice section . Then, we will have to follow the steps of the tool to train the voice. For this we must go to a place without noise. If the place is not quiet enough the device will let us know. Once configured, we can start using the function with starting the sentences with “Hello Moto”

Additional configuration

There are certain parameters that can be adjusted to configure Moto Voz to our liking. These options are found within the settings of the app itself and we can change them at any time:

  • Launch phrase: Enabled or Disabled
  • Change or improve launch phrase: Record the launch phrase again
  • Say the PIN to unlock: Allows you to say the PIN code and thus be able to unlock the phone when you are using voice commands.
  • Commands when locked: Choose the commands that will work while the phone is locked.

moto voz motorola

Tips for using Moto Voice

If we have doubts about the commands that we can use, we can say “Help” just after the launch phrase to get a list of commands that can be executed and examples of how to use them. In addition, we can also find the phone by simply saying “find my phone”, this is because Moto Voz allows us to be 3 to 5 meters away from our mobile phone and continue working.

moto voz ajustes