What are the Most Important Problems in the Network Today

It is when surfing the Internet where we can find more problems that may put the security of our devices at risk. As we know there are many types of attacks, malware and, ultimately, threats that can affect us. Now, we can mention some of them as the most problematic. In this article we are going to talk about it. We are going to explain what are the most important problems in the network today.

Most important problems in the network

Keep in mind that hackers constantly improve their techniques and innovate in the process of carrying out their attacks. It is true that security tools are also improved and updated to protect users, but sometimes it all depends on common sense and possible mistakes they make.

Most Important Problems in the Network

According to a report that we echo, false updates is one of the problems that is more present today. As we know, keeping systems and tools up to date is very important. It corrects possible vulnerabilities that may exist and, ultimately, offers us the possibility of improving the performance of the systems.

However sometimes we can find false updates. That is one of the most common problems on the Internet today. This occurs when we come across a message when browsing, for example. It indicates that we have to update the browser or tool that we are updating. The thing is, that is actually a scam attempt. Clicking may take us to a page controlled by cyber criminals. We may directly download a malicious file.

Raas is also a serious threat. In Spanish it means ransomware as a service. Basically, as its name indicates, it is a service that they offer us related to ransomware. A cyber criminal (or group) creates ransomware and then sells its service on the Dark Web. Another user buys it and acts as an “intermediary” by offering information or access to a certain device to facilitate work. Otherwise, like a normal ransomware: they seek to encrypt the files and then ask for a ransom in return.

Raas or ransomware as a service is not new. However in recent times it has become more popular. This makes it currently considered one of the most common threats.

Seguridad en la red

Social engineering, increasingly present

Without a doubt something very important and that is very present is social engineering . We can say that it is one of the most important problems on the net. This also makes user information more at risk than ever. How does it work? In this case they are going to use social engineering, they are going to take advantage of the data they can collect, to deceive the victim.

For example we refer to Phishing attacks . We already know that it is a very present problem in which our data may be in danger. Here they use social engineering to trick the victim into accessing a link, for example.

One more threat that is also very present in the network now is cryptocurrency miners . As we know, its objective is none other than to take advantage of the resources of our systems to mine digital currency. It is, after all, another way to obtain financial resources. This could seriously jeopardize the proper functioning of our equipment.

Finally, another major problem on the network today is attacks on IoT devices . As we know, we have more and more equipment of this type in our homes. They are all those devices connected to the network.

We leave you an article on how to protect IoT devices.