Malware on Facebook or WhatsApp: How They Can Sneak it

There are many techniques that hackers use to sneak malware onto our systems. They use many tricks in order to steal passwords, credentials, damage the proper functioning of the systems or affect our security in some way. In this article, we are going to talk about how malware could sneak into us through services like WhatsApp or Facebook . We already know that social networks and messaging programs are very present in the network and are not always safe.

Social networks and messaging, used by cybercriminals

Both social networks and messaging programs are widely used by private users and also by companies. We speak for example of platforms such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, as well as WhatsApp or Telegram, to name a few examples.

Malware on Facebook or WhatsApp

Now, the fact that they are so widely used services also makes hackers set their sights here. They use these types of tools to try to sneak malware into users who are clueless or who do not have sufficient knowledge of computer security.

We must always be alert and not make mistakes when using these types of services and thus expose our security and privacy. As we will see, an attacker can use different types of strategies to achieve his goal. It must be taken into account that some types of attacks can be present both in social networks and in messaging applications.

How Malware Can Sneak Through Social Media

First of all, we are going to explain how social networks can use to spread malware to users. We are talking about popular and used services such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

Fake bots or profiles

Undoubtedly one of the problems of social networks is bots or fake profiles. Cybercriminals use them to be able to send messages to real users. Sometimes they simply seek to send spam, but sometimes they go beyond simple annoying advertising and could use them to link to sites that contain malware.

The problem of bots is mainly present in social networks like Facebook. They abound in those in which we have to accept contacts.

Ataques en redes sociales

Fake News

Something similar can happen with Fake News . At first we can say that they are false articles, news that rather seek to misinform or easy click. They are very present in social networks and we can find them especially in some such as Facebook or Twitter.

The aim of hackers to sneak malware is for us to click on that so-called interesting news. Once we have entered the website, that is when our system can become infected.


Another widely used technique is Phishing . On the one hand it is used by hackers to steal passwords, but they can also use it to send malicious software through different baits.

They usually send messages that may be interesting or apparently important to users. For example, some problem that there has been with the account or something that causes them the need to click.


Social networks have many add-ons . They are improvements that allow us to carry out certain tasks in a better way. They are very present as third-party software. The problem is that sometimes we can come across plugins that are insecure, which could damage our privacy.

Fake apps

Finally, another way that cybercriminals use to sneak malware is to use rogue applications . Hence always the importance of installing from official sources and avoiding third-party sites that are not guaranteed.

Instant messaging attacks

We can also suffer attempts to sneak malware through applications such as WhatsApp. We must be careful with any private conversation or group in which we are.

Attached files

Through instant messaging applications such as WhatsApp we can receive attachments . For example text documents. Those files may contain malware that, when downloaded, infects our systems.

Fake coupons

It is also very common to receive coupons for offers or discounts on WhatsApp to purchase a product. Sometimes these are baits that, beyond taking us to a misleading advertising page, could also infect our device and strain malware.

Malicious links

Without a doubt, another very frequent method is malicious links . We can click on a link that comes to us through a group, for example, and it is actually a page maliciously configured to steal personal information or download malicious software.

Conversations with fake users to collect data

Similar to the bots that we mention on social networks, we can also come across conversations where there are fake users who only seek to collect personal data and be able to sneak malware. Whenever we encounter this problem, we must avoid offering data or accepting files that are sent to us.

Ultimately, these are some options that hackers have to try to sneak malware through social networks or instant messaging applications.