How to Limit Usage time on Xbox One and Windows 10

You probably never paid attention to it, but did you know that you can limit the time of use of the Xbox One to your children? Yes, it may be one of those options that they do not like very much, but as a parent or guardian it will be very useful. Thanks to it you can know what time they invest in video games and put a brake on them if they are abusing them.

Limit Usage time on Xbox One and Windows 10

How to limit Xbox One usage time

Microsoft offers tools that allow you, among other things, to limit usage time or screen time when using your applications and devices. This in the case of the Xbox One is really useful if, in addition, it is to better manage the use made of it by the smallest of the house.

So, if you are interested and want to know how to better control or set certain limits when playing with the console , we will explain everything you should know and the steps you need to take to limit the time of use on the Xbox One. And by the way in Windows, in case you are interested too.

The adjustment of limit of time of use on Xbox One is carried out through the Family options that Microsoft offers on its website. That means that you do not have to go directly to the console but to the Microsoft Family page. There the first thing you should do is create a family group. To achieve this, carry out the following process:

  1. Visit the Microsoft Family website and log in with your main account
  2. Then click on the option to add a new family member and enter their email
  3. If you don’t have it you can create one at that time. Being the account of a minor you will have to confirm with your main account and log in to authorize its creation.

  1. With the account already created, add it to the family group
  2. Now that you are in the family, select it and go to the Time on screen option
  3. You will see that there are two buttons that allow you to activate the limitations on Xbox One and Windows 10
  4. Select the system you want or both
  5. Below you will see a calendar where you can define the hours and limitations by day of the week or in general

Now that you have the account of your child or minor in charge created and within the family group, the next step is to go directly to the console. Logging in with your main account, the first thing you have to do is establish a password for yourself, to prevent them from using your account to play. You can do this from the login and security options.

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Next, go to the Xbox settings menu and perform the following steps:

  1. Access General> Safety and Family Online> Family Settings
  2. Select add new family members
  3. Select the child’s account and enter their password
  4. If this is your first time logging in, enter the name or gamertag that you will use to be recognized

Done, you already have your account and that of your child or minor in charge on the Xbox One configured. From now on, when you log in with that account, the established time limits will apply . If exceeded, the console will block usage and won’t let them continue unless you approve. Logically, the calendars can be modified at any time, giving more hours during holidays or holidays.

In the case of Windows 10 computers, the process is identical and the only thing you have to do additionally is create a user account for them to log into the computer.