Learn Free Programming Basics with SoloLearn

Although in the network we can find a great amount of resources and materials to learn programming , the truth is that it is something really complicated. The most difficult thing, if we have never been interested in this topic before, is knowing where to start. Many courses and resources often assume that we know concepts, which can often cause us to get lost. Therefore, if we are looking to start from the bottom and want to learn to program, a platform that we can turn to is SoloLearn.

SoloLearn is a platform designed to teach programming , for free and from scratch, to all users interested in learning to program. This website is mainly characterized by starting from scratch with the most basic theory (for example, what is each programming language) and it helps us to start programming from the most basic to slightly more advanced programs mixing both theory and practical examples.

Learn Free Programming Basics with SoloLearn

Learn to program from anywhere

we all have dead moments at different times of the day. But what we cannot do is tie ourselves to a specific platform to program. SoloLearn wants us to be able to schedule at any time and from anywhere.

This platform offers us a simple web page from which we can access all the courses. If we log in, we can even have our progress controlled so that we can continue where we left off at any other time.

Perfil SoloLearn

In addition to the website, SoloLearn also offers us the possibility of learning to program from our mobiles . This platform has two totally free apps for Android and iOS that will allow us to learn programming from our mobile when we are in the subway, the train, on an airplane or simply waiting for something. Our mobile is always with us.

Developer: SoloLearn
Price: Free

SoloLearn can be used completely free of charge. However, if we are going to use it from the mobile we will have to assume the advertising. To avoid it, they offer us an edition called ” SoloLearn PRO ” which, by subscription, gives us the following additional features:

  • Daily learning goals.
  • Personalized activity information.
  • Who’s viewed your profile.
  • Who is learning near you.
  • No ads.

What courses can we learn at SoloLearn

This platform has a total of 13 complete programming courses that will allow us to learn to program in the most relevant languages today. Within each course we can find the different lessons that will allow us to train from scratch. If we already have some notions about any of the languages, we can go directly to the section that interests us.

The programming languages that we will find here are:

  • Python 3: with a total of 92 lessons and 275 exams to demonstrate our knowledge.
  • C ++ : with 80 lessons and a total of 324 exams.
  • Java : 65 lessons and 140 tests to learn to program in this popular language.
  • JavaScript: 61 lessons and 177 tests to learn and demonstrate that we know how to program in it.
  • C #: 72 lessons and 211 exams to demonstrate our skills.
  • C: 46 lessons and 150 tests will help us learn to program in this language.
  • SQL: basic database course where we will learn to create and work with them in its 27 lessons and 104 exams.
  • HTML: 44 lessons and 125 tests to learn how to create web pages from scratch.
  • PHP: made up of 51 lessons and 117 tests, we can learn to create dynamic websites and manage all kinds of content.
  • CSS: during its 76 lessons and 193 tests we will be able to learn the basics of web page style.
  • Ruby: 57 lessons and 172 exams to learn everything about one of the most popular, beautiful and functional programming languages.
  • jQuery: 26 lessons and 75 tests to learn all the basics about this language.
  • Swift: 53 lessons and 165 questions to learn and master the Apple programming language for macOS and iOS.

Of course, we can start the programming course that we want at any time. And also, we can go to the module, or to the lesson, that we want from its index. We do not have to follow its development sequentially, although it would be recommended.

How to learn to program

To start learning programming with SoloLearn, what we must do is access the following link . Here we are going to find all the courses that we can find within this platform.

Aprender programación SoloLearn - cursos

Of course, before continuing we recommend registering on the platform, since it is very fast, free and will help us to keep track of our progress and unlock all kinds of achievements as we go along.

Each course is divided into different modules, each of which is focused on teaching us something specific. For example, the Python course starts with the basic concepts, and its difficulty increases in other modules (control of structures, functions, exceptions, objects, etc.) as we go along.

Aprender programación SoloLearn - iniciar curso

The courses are interactive. And generally they are made up of a part of theory and a question to show that we are attentive. We will also have to solve problems by applying what we have learned from these languages.

As we learn, we will gain experience and unlock achievements. And all this information, along with our progress, will be available through our profile. The parts of the completed courses will appear in green, while those that we have not yet completed will appear in blue.

Aprender programación SoloLearn - avances

Also, we cannot forget the ” Code Playground ” section. Here we will be able to find all kinds of projects created by people and create our own. SoloLearn Playground offers us a simple text editor where we can write the code. When the program is ready, we can run it from this editor and see its result.

Ejemplo SoloLearn Code Playground

The only impediment we can find is that it is completely in English. We do not have the possibility to find courses in Spanish. What we can do is use tools, such as the Chrome translator, to be able to see the texts in Spanish. Although we must do this with care, since it is probable that when translating we change concepts and learn wrong things.

The best thing to learn programming is, and always has been, learning it directly in English. In addition to helping us find a job, most resources and help will be in this language. And, today, and especially within the computing sector, it is a language that we cannot miss.