How to know if you should buy a new router for the Internet

The router is undoubtedly a fundamental piece to connect to the Internet. It is very important to have one that is capable of responding to all demand, since in the end it is the device that connects all our devices, smartphones and computers, offering us the possibility of surfing the net . But it may be that, after a while, we have the idea to buy a new one. How do you know if the time has come? There are several keys.

Maybe the time has come to change your router

know if you should buy a new router for the Internet

Our router is a fundamental part for the Internet connection to work correctly. It is what allows us to have an adequate speed, stability and avoid problems that cause connection failures. But you also have to keep in mind that not all routers are the same.

Over time, routers have significantly improved the quality of your connection, knowing how to support more connected devices, with higher transfer speeds and even more wireless coverage.

In this sense, and as the RedesZone colleagues explain, the time may come when we have an older router model at home that may be giving us certain problems when connecting to the Internet or that, simply, we have the curious to know if it would be possible to improve the connection using a more modern router . At this point you have two possibilities: either you contact your operator to provide you with a new generation model, or choose to buy one on our own. But what do we have to value?

What to consider

In any case, it is important to appreciate that an old or obsolete router can cause problems, both for the Internet and for other uses. Therefore, we must take into account certain fundamental aspects in order to make a comparison regarding their functions and thus understand when they are stopping working correctly.

With the same connection, if we use a quality router we can appreciate a great improvement in web browsing, but much more in WiFi coverage and the speed obtained, as well as noticing the difference when playing online.

In any case, it is important for you to acquire a new and good equipment that can meet the needs depending on what is needed at home . Although the main recommendation is that you buy one that offers you guarantees of at least two years.

Router antiguo claves Internet

Slow down or low bandwidth issues

A very important factor is related to the uses of the Internet in the domestic environment and the number of users of a single connection. If there are several of us at home, or we have a multitude of terminals associated with a network, very significant slowdown problems can sometimes appear. It is when it is said that the bandwidth of our router is short and our Internet is slow. In these cases, it may be necessary to purchase another device.

Keep in mind that we have more and more devices connected to the network. We especially talk about what is known as the Internet of Things. This will mean that they need to have adequate bandwidth. We must avoid problems and that the router cannot offer what the devices require.

Is it WiFi 6 compatible?

In this direction, a key approach also emerges: WiFi 6: if our router is not compatible with this standard, that will make it even more evident that we must get a new one.

Thus, in the technical file of the device, they should include either the official name or the name of the standard. Sometimes it will just say something like “Wifi 802.11ax” or, more succinctly, “Wi-Fi b, g, n, ac, ax.” Each letter refers to a WiFi standard. The one that interests us is a x, equivalent to WiFi 6.

Router test velocidad Internet

Poor results in speed tests

Another very important problem that can occur with our router and its Internet connection can be detected through speed tests, which will test the network frequency. We recommend that two tests be done: one of the wireless network and the other by connecting the Ethernet cable to a computer.

If the result of the connection with the cable is superior, it is necessary to do the test again. If the numbers are still different, the router may no longer be working as it should and it’s time to make that change.

number of ports

Starting from the basis that it is normal to have fiber, we must begin to make distinctions. If your router is capable of providing two networks, one 2.4 GHz and one 5 GHz, it falls into the category of modern routers; although if it is linked to the fiber, the better.

And that’s where the number of ports that the device has. They typically have four Ethernet ports. Some have more and others may have just one or two, depending on the case. Generally with four ports it is enough for a house. For its part, in addition, the clear indication will be if it does not have a Gigabit Ethernet port, which means that it is a fairly old router.