How to kick the neighbors out of Animal Crossing New Horizons

kick the neighbors out of Animal Crossing New Horizons

We all have a character on our Animal Crossing islands that we don’t like. The typical heavyweight gorilla who’s talking all day about exercising and eating protein. Or the flirtatious one who doesn’t stop giving us beauty advice as if we had asked her for help. Sometimes, we would love to send those animals off our lands so that new ones can come that adapt more to our style, but there is no way. The usual thing is that it is your favorite neighbor who surprises you on a random day by saying that he wants to leave.

Neighborhood Management in New Horizons

canela new horizons

The neighbor management mechanics in New Horizons have been substantially improved over New Leaf . Whether or not a neighbor leaves is now one hundred percent up to us . In previous installments, the animals appeared one day with the house full of boxes and it was a real torture to prevent them from leaving. It also happened if you entered your game after months away: your favorite neighbor had left and had not even deigned to come up to our house to wake us up from the coma to warn us.

Still, at New Horizons it will not matter how well we treat one or the other. The game will continue to surprise us in this regard when our dearest neighbor proposes to leave us. However, we can quickly avoid it by speaking with said character .

Luckily, the Animal Crossing installment for Switch has several mechanics that can force one of our neighbors to leave the island . Pushing him, locking him up while walking outside, avoiding him when he wants to tell us something, giving him junk or hitting him with a net repeatedly to make him angry. Despite this, it will take you hours to convince him that your island is not the best place for him to live.

How to kick out a neighbor in Animal Crossing quickly

expulsar vecino new horizons

There is a much faster alternative to kick a neighbor off our island. Of course, we will have to play with the internal clock of the console, so you must be very careful, since you can ruin your investment in turnips, miss important events or delete your NookLink newspaper.

The technique was discovered by the youtuber TagBackTV, an expert in Animal Crossing, although the youtuber Cobayasgamer ended up polishing the technique months later. In general, this trick guarantees us that we can evict any neighbor in less than 10 minutes , as long as it is done correctly. Pay attention, because despite the fact that the trick is very easy to execute, it is necessary to take into account a number of variables that can spoil the process.

Previous requirements

The factors that you should take into account before starting to do this trick are the following:

  1. You will not be able to expel the last neighbor who has entered your island by this method.
  2. You will not be able to kick out any neighbor whose birthday is within ± 7 days of the day you are in the game.
  3. The trick does not work on days when there are special events on your island (Saturdays, fishing tournaments, special holidays…).
  4. It will take 15 days in the game from when you kick out a neighbor until you can repeat the process .
  5. You must have had the maximum number of neighbors available at least once before the hack will work.

How does this trick work?

nuevos vecinos new horizons

When a neighbor is going to leave your island, he will appear crestfallen with a cloud over his head . This process usually occurs every 15 days or so in the game , something that we now know for sure thanks to some users who have datamined the game. Once we interact with that neighbor, we will decide if we let him go, or if, on the contrary, he has to stay. Once we interact with said neighbor, the process will not repeat itself until 15 more days have passed.

Step by Step

The steps to follow are as follows:

  1. Enter your game, check that the neighbor you want to check out is not the last one who arrived (if it is the last one who arrived, the last one will also appear in the list that appears to the left of the map of your island). Then save the game and exit the game .
  2. Go to Settings on the console and upload 15 days. If the day falls on Saturday, it goes up one more day. Also change the time to 12:00, since it is the time of day when more neighbors will be away from home (the cloud will only appear in animals that are outside).
  3. Load the game and look for a neighbor with a cloud . If there is no special event, there should be a character planning to flee your island.
  4. Once you locate the character, you must do the following:
    • If he is the character you want to cast : talk to him and tell him to leave.
    • If he is not the character you want to expel: do not talk to him. Save the game and add one more day to your Nintendo Switch. If the day you touch on the calendar corresponds to a marked date, add two days instead.
  5. The process will have been delayed, and now there will be another character with the cloud on his head. Repeat step 4 as many times as you need until you find the neighbor you want to evict from your island.

To make the trick work for you, also follow these tips :

  1. If a character intercepts you with an interrogation while you are going around your island , you will not find an animal with the cloud that day, as this type of interaction “breaks” the trick. Save and add another day to your Nintendo Switch.
  2. Don’t talk to any neighbors while doing this trick. Remember that the moment you make an interaction with the neighbor who wants to leave, the process will not be repeated for another 15 days.
  3. Don’t forget the time . The time with the most number of characters on the street is between 12:00 and 16:00.
  4. Before starting the trick, write down your neighbors’ birthdays . If you get close to the appointed date, you will not be able to expel him.

How to kick the last neighbor who has arrived on your island

As we have mentioned before, the little cloud will never appear on the last neighbor who has arrived on your island. However, there are two ways to eject it , also very quickly:

Method 1: Amiibo Cards

cartas amiibo animal crossing

You can import any neighbor you want to your island using an Amiibo card , which are collectibles that can be scanned with the Nintendo Switch using NFC technology.

If you have one of these letters, go to town hall and use the Tele Nook to import a camper . The process will explain how to use the Amiibo card and the neighbor from your letter will appear at the campsite.

The visitor will ask you for a series of requirements, and when you fulfill them, you will be asked to select a neighbor to be expelled , which may well be the last one to arrive on your island.

Method 2: Camping

expulsar ultimo vecino animal crossing

If you don’t have Amiibo cards, don’t worry, there is another way to do the same. Approximately a new neighbor arrives at the campsite every 7 days with a probability of 30%. The process to kick out your last neighbor is as follows:

  1. Add days to your console until there is a neighbor at the campsite .
  2. Save the game inside the camp .
  3. Convince the character to move to your island. If you fail in the games, keep pushing or restart the console.
  4. Once you have convinced him, he will go to the neighborhood management office and speak with Canela. On the way back, he will tell you which neighbor wants to leave.
  5. If that neighbor who wants to leave is your last neighbor, talk to him and finish the process. If it is not, close the game and restart the game as many times as necessary until it is your last neighbor who wants to leave your island.