iPhone Alarm Not Working? Here’s the Fix You Need

It was also revealed that more people nowadays use their smart phones to help them upto waking up or reminding them of certain tasks. But there are people who use the iPhone and unfortunately their alarms don’t work well once they planned to attend their appointments. This is what is happening, and how you can cure it.

iphone alarm fails
Some iPhone Users Tackle Sobering Problem With Alarms.

Recently many iPhone users have been using social media to express their frustration as they explain that their phone alarms don’t ring or are not even loud enough for them to hear the sound. TikTok user @reid. manning1 played a role in emphasizing that this is a huge problem in which a number of its followers acknowledged that they have experienced the same problem. You may ask, how does one solve this problem?

Apple Acknowledges the Issue

Apple has admitted this but not fully identified the issue. The problem is sporadic and occurs for no reasons and without specific causes as to why a given user should experience it. Two potential causes are under consideration:Two potential causes are under consideration:

March Time Change: It might have been noticed after clocks were moved forward by one hour for daylight saving time.

Software Bug: The reason could be a bug in the latest iOS update as such scenarios have also occurred following updates for the platform.

Whether Apple is having fun or Apple claims to be working on a patch, the issue has a temporaray solution for many people.

How to Sleep in With Your iPhone.

If your iPhone alarm has been unreliable, you can try this simple solution:If your iPhone alarm has been unreliable, you can try this simple solution:

Go to Settings: Turn on your iPhone and open the Settings app.

Select Sounds & Haptics: Search and select “sounds & Haptics. ”.

Adjust the Volume: The volume control setting at the top of the screen lets you adjust the volume. Wait until his/her clock is set and it is now within range.

It is possible that this does not address the issue and you will have to use a third party app until Apple introduces an official fix for this. Some highly-rated alternatives include: Alarmy, Alarm Clock for Me, Alarm Clock Reminders.

Important Notes

This is why Apple made sure that alarms will be activated despite using modes such as “Do Not Disturb” or “Focus”. Considering iPhones and their subsequent updates, this has not been a problem in the past and is supposed to remain unaffected by recent updates of the OS.


If your iPhone alarm is not working as expected then just use the volume Sounded Haptics to make it okay. Until Apple comes up with a working solution, there are third party alarm apps that you can install for you not to miss an important event.