Although Telegram is frequently considered a rival to WhatsApp its capabilities extend beyond just messaging; you can share files and make backups as well. With ample cloud storage Telegram enables its users to save countless files for data sharing or backups. Does the storage actually have an actual limit? Let’s dive into the details.
Telegram’s Storage Limits: Free vs. Premium
For free users of Telegram the maximum upload limit is 2 GB but Premium users achieve 4 GB. While file dimensions are limited the storage capacity is genuinely infinite since the total data you can save has no restriction.
Can you genuinely remove uploads from Telegram’s cloud storage?
When you upload a file to Telegram it remains permanently in the cloud alongside a chat message. If you remove the message’s first copy from its channels it will still be available on Telegram servers. Should the message reach different users or chats it will still allow users to view and recover the file.
Important: Once files are added to Telegram’s cloud they cannot be removed permanently. To completely remove data permanently you should inactivate your account for 6 months to 1 year and Telegram will automatically destroy your files.
Applying Telegram as a cloud backup platform
Even though Telegram usually isn’t sold as a cloud storage option like Google Drive or OneDrive,you can utilize it in that manner. There is no specialized tool for managing files. To keep files sorted out use private chats or create a private supergroup.
Using drag-and-drop action with files allows you to upload them directly into your chat which will then be sent to Telegram servers.
Priorities and challenges regarding Telegram’s limitless space.
- Unlimited storage for free.
- Mobiles and tablets are synced across devices by the application.
- Easy file sharing via chats.
- Enhanced safety measures with end-to-end encryption and two-factor login procedures.
- Once uploaded to the cloud you cannot delete files without going through a process.
- Free accounts experience sluggish upload and download.
- An exclusive interface for managing files is absent in this case.
- If the account is dormant for over 6 months data will be removed.
Final Thoughts: Can Telegram be counted as a trustworthy provider for cloud storage?
While Telegram includes wonderful capabilities for file sharing and archiving; it falls short in every aspect. Deciding against paying for Telegram Premier results in sluggish upload and download times. However the non-existence of a web-based management tool for files poses an issue.
In case of casual file exchange and unimportant data restoration Telegram provides much needed unlimited storage.