How to Make iPhone Screen Horizontal

Make iPhone Screen Horizontal

Most of the time, all users use the iPhone vertically, to send a message on the street, tweet or look at Instagram. For many other actions, perhaps the most appropriate is to use the iPhone in a landscape way, that is, horizontally. However, it is not always possible to use the iPhone in this way as many applications do not allow it and even some functions of the iPhone itself can only be used vertically. In this post we tell you all about how and when you can use your iPhone horizontally.

Turn off horizontal screen lock

On many occasions it can become annoying for the iPhone to adopt the horizontal position on its screen to perform an action, so you may have activated the screen lock mode that makes the iPhone screen is used, almost always, vertical way. We say almost always, because if you want to view multimedia content in an app, it may have the option of viewing it in full screen and that way if you can use your iPhone horizontally. This would be the only exception with which, having the screen block activated, you can use the iPhone in landscape mode.

iPhone bloqueo de pantalla

For the rest of the actions and applications that are compatible with horizontal use, you will have to deactivate the screen lock mode. To do this, you just have to go to the control center and uncheck this option. In case your iPhone does not have a home button, to access the control center you have to swipe down from the upper right corner. If, on the other hand, your iPhone does have a home button, to access the control center you have to swipe up from the bottom corner of the screen.

Can the horizontal screen be used in all apps?

Once you have deactivated the screen lock, this will allow you to use your iPhone horizontally, but not in all applications, since not all have this possibility when using them. The same happens with some native Apple apps or even some parts of the iOS system itself.

Really the only way you have to know if you can use one or the other app horizontally is by testing it. Usually the applications that are intended for the consumption of multimedia content such as YouTube or Netflix can be used horizontally to enjoy and take advantage of the iPhone screen format. Messaging applications are another sector that also usually gives the possibility of communicating with your loved ones horizontally, something that can be more comfortable if you are lying in bed or on the sofa. In the social networks section, the criteria is totally arbitrary, Twitter for example does give the option to use the app horizontally, however, Instagram does not, something that makes sense since most of the content of this social network is shared in portrait format.

iPhone horizontal youtube

If we go on to talk about native Apple apps or iOS itself, the same thing happens, at certain times or to perform certain actions, if you can use your iPhone in a landscape way, but not for others. For example, if you want to write a message through the Messages app, you can, however, the Music and Podcast applications do not have the ability to be used horizontally. On the other hand, the Settings app is suitable to be used horizontally, as well as the Photos or Calendar app, on the contrary, the App Store itself can only be used vertically, the same happens with the Clock app or the Apple Watch app itself .

Widgets prevent you from using your iPhone in landscape

Something curious that happens from iOS 14 is that, if you use one of the great novelties of this operating system, the widgets, you will not be able to use your iPhone horizontally when you are inside some of the main screens of your device . However, if there is no widget on any of the main screens, if you can use it and the arrangement of the apps will change every time you put your iPhone horizontally.

Size Matters

Other points that you have to take into account when using your iPhone in landscape mode is its size. The use of the iPhone horizontally on some occasions is only reserved for those models that have a larger size. This, at the end of the day, makes sense, since normally the larger the device, the more it invites to use it in a landscape way. In fact, in models like the iPhone 6, 6s, 7 or 8, the main screens of the device, despite not having widgets, are not adapted to its use in a landscape way either.

iPhone 8

Playing horizontally, a must

In the same way that it happens with applications that consume multimedia content, many games can only be played with the iPhone in horizontal position since many of the controls can only be accessible if the device is in that position. In addition, in many cases it is also the most optimal way to take advantage of the screen possibilities offered by most iPhone.

Trick to disable it automatically

There is a way to automatically activate and deactivate this functionality thanks to the Shortcuts app and the creation of automations. To do this, you must follow these steps:

  1. Open the Shortcuts app on the iPhone.
  2. Go to the “Automation” tab.
  3. Click on “Create personal automation”.
  4. Now click on “App”.
  5. In the “App” section, choose the app (s) you want to activate or deactivate the horizontal lock when opening or closing.
  6. Choose if you want it to happen when it opens or closes.
  7. Click on “Next”.

If you have configured the option when the app opens, you must later create another automation by following these steps to activate or deactivate the lock when it closes.