How to Improve the Quality of Mobile Video Calls

The video calls on the mobile phone, forgotten for many years, came back to prominence when WhatsApp began to be installed massively in terminals around the world. COVID-19 has caused the entire world to use this method of communication, which sometimes does not work as we would like. For this reason we are going to take a look at the best tricks to improve the quality of video calls.

Improve the Quality of Mobile Video Calls

Video calls that are cut, video calls that look bad, dark video calls, video calls without audio. There are several problems that can arise when we try to communicate in this way, but luckily we have several tricks at hand to make the experience the best it can be.

More quality, better video call

Clean the lens

It is the first thing we have to do before starting the connection. In many cases, a “fog” or “smudge” effect can be seen on the screen , which is a clear sign of dirt. The solution is to clean the front camera with a slightly damp cloth and then wipe it with a dry cloth. Eyeglass cleaners do very well for this purpose.

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More lighting but not excessive

Many video calls are seen with excessive grain and that is usually an indication that our ambient lighting is not good. We should try as much as possible to find a well-lit place (natural light if possible). In this way we will make things easier for our sensor and we will get them to see us better.

Prioritize connections

Video calls make use of an Internet connection, either by Wi-Fi data. We must ensure that all network resources are dedicated to this end to improve quality and avoid interruptions. In this sense, we must stop any download or online game that may consume network resources and limit our video call.

Enter Safe Mode

When we enter the safe mode of our mobile, we make sure that no third-party app runs, therefore they will not consume network resources and we will be able to make the video call in optimal conditions . Most smartphones allow you to enter this mode by pressing and holding the off button and selecting the safe mode.

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Thinking of changing mobile?

There are moments that, no matter how many frills we make, our mobile and its front lens do not give more. Either because of the passage of time, or because our front camera is shattered, it can be a good time to change the device and choose a selfie sensor suitable for video calls among all the types on the market.

Accessories help

The market is full of accessories that can help us improve this type of video connection . In this case and focused on video calls, there are two that can help improve the quality of calls.

  • Mobile support : The first is a support specially designed to avoid vibrations or accidental falls of the mobile . In this way, video calls will always maintain that quietness that is needed to maintain a quality video conversation. It has a price of around 13 euros. soporte para el movil
  • Luminous ring : it is an accessory that fans of TikTok and other social networks love, but it serves to improve the lighting of video calls . It has a support and several light modes to modify the intensity and achieve the perfect lighting. In this case its price is about 27 euros.

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