How To Get A Verified Checkmark In TikTok?

verified mark tiktok

The coveted blue checkmark on TikTok is a symbol of authenticity and recognition. It signifies that a TikTok account is genuine and belongs to a public figure, celebrity, or notable entity. 

To get a verified checkmark on TikTok, there is no specific request process. TikTok looks through its accounts to see if any meet their standards for verification and bestows the blue check upon them. 

Having a large following on TikTok can help you grow your popularity and creativity on the platform. It is important to note that buying authentic tiktok followers can help increase your popularity and ease the process of gaining blue tick. 

Along with that focus on creating high-quality, engaging content and promoting your account on other social media platforms to grow your following organically.

There are some tips and tricks that can increase your chances of getting verified on TikTok. These include being consistent, creating viral videos, keeping your audience engaged, growing your following, and getting featured in the media. It’s also important to note that having a blue checkmark on other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram can increase your chances of getting verified on TikTok.

One similar factor is having a high follower count that acts as social proof. People tend to follow trends and popular creators, so having a large following can encourage others to follow you simply because they see that others are doing it. You can buy realistic tiktok followers online to boost your account.

Earning that verified checkmark can boost your credibility on the platform and help you stand out. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to get a verified checkmark on TikTok.Get started with now and watch your follower count soar 

What Is The Process Of Requesting A Verified Checkmark In TikTok?

A TikTok account is all about socializing, networking, and reaching the crowd through clout. If you are an expert in all these fields then gaining a verified checkmark is an easy task. It’s easier to network and connect with other TikTokers or influencers when you have a large following. 

Collaboration opportunities, shout-outs, and joint projects become more accessible when you can offer something in return, such as exposure to your followers. Buying tiktok followers through reliable sources can be one way to ease up the job.

The guide to request your own popular creator mark is as follows:

1. Eligibility and Account Requirements:

To be eligible for a TikTok verification checkmark, your account should meet the following criteria:

  • Authenticity: Your account must represent a real person, brand, or organization.
  • Unique: It should be unique and not impersonate someone else.
  • Public: Your account must be set to “Public,” so anyone can view your content.
  • Complete Profile: Make sure your TikTok profile is complete with a profile picture, bio, and uploaded videos.

2. Build a Strong TikTok Presence:

Before you can even think about verification, it’s essential to build a strong presence on TikTok. Create engaging and original content, interact with your audience, and steadily grow your follower count. Having a significant following can improve your chances of getting verified.

3. Prepare Documentation:
TikTok typically requires you to provide documentation to support your verification request. This might include:

  • Official Website: If you’re a notable brand or organization, have a verified official website.
  • Government-issued ID: Personal accounts may need to provide a government-issued ID to verify their identity.
  • Media Coverage: Collect articles, news stories, or other media coverage that mentions your TikTok account or your work.

4. Request Verification:

To request a verified checkmark on TikTok:

  • Go to your TikTok profile.
  • Tap the three horizontal lines in the top-right corner to access the menu.
  • Go to “Settings and Privacy.”
  • Select “Privacy and Safety.”
  • Scroll down and tap “Request Verification.”
  • Fill out the verification request form with accurate information.
  • Upload any required documentation.

5. Wait for a Response:

After submitting your verification request, TikTok’s team will review it. The response time can vary, but it may take several weeks. Be patient during this process.

6. Verification Approval:

If your verification request is approved, you’ll receive a blue checkmark on your TikTok profile, indicating that your account is now verified. Congratulations!

7. If Your Request Is Denied:

Sometimes, verification requests are denied. If this happens, don’t be discouraged. You can reapply after 30 days. In the meantime, work on strengthening your TikTok presence and collecting more evidence of your notability.

8. Keep Your Profile Active and Engaging:

Getting verified is just the beginning. To maintain your verified status, keep your TikTok profile active, create quality content, engage with your audience, and continue building your brand.

Can One Buy A Verified Checkmark In TikTok?

No, it is not possible to buy a verified checkmark on TikTok. If anyone is offering to sell you a verification badge, it is likely a scam. TikTok has a dedicated team that seeks out creators, brands, and influencers to grant a badge, so you’ll have to be selected to receive this checkmark. 

While TikTok introduced the ability to request verification in November 2022, it is not yet available to all TikTok users. It’s important to note that getting verified on TikTok is not an easy process, and there are no guarantees that your account will be verified even if you follow all the tips and tricks.

How Long Does It Take To Get Verified On TikTok?

The time it takes to get verified on TikTok can vary. Some sources suggest that it may take up to 30 days for TikTok’s team to review your application. However, other sources suggest that it should only take a few days for the verification team at TikTok to review your request and notify you of the result. 

It’s important to note that the verification process is not always straightforward, and there are no guarantees that your account will be verified even if you meet the eligibility requirements and have an optimized profile. 

Additionally, TikTok introduced the ability to request verification in November 2022 but it is not yet available to all TikTok users.

What Are The Requirements To Apply For Verification On TikTok?

To apply for verification on TikTok, you need to meet certain requirements. These requirements include:

  1. Active: Your account must have logged in within the past 6 months.
  2. Authentic: Your account must represent a real person, registered business, or entity.
  3. Complete: Your account must have a profile picture, bio, and at least one video.
  4. Follow the rules: Your account must adhere to TikTok’s Community Guidelines and Terms of Service.

It’s important to note that getting verified on TikTok is not guaranteed, even if you meet the eligibility requirements and have an optimized profile. Additionally, TikTok introduced the ability to request verification in November 2022, but it is not yet available to all TikTok users.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How many followers do I need to get verified on TikTok?

TikTok does not have a specific follower requirement for getting verified. However, having a large following can increase your chances of being noticed by TikTok’s verification team.

2. How do you get a blue tick?

There is no specific request process for getting a verified checkmark on TikTok. Instead, TikTok has a dedicated team that seeks out creators, brands, and influencers to grant a badge.

3. Can a fan page get verified on TikTok?

It is possible for a fan page to get verified on TikTok, provided it meets the eligibility criteria. To become verified on TikTok, you need to have an authentic, public presence with adherents and followers before referring to the verification process.


Getting a verified checkmark on TikTok is a significant achievement that can boost your credibility and visibility on the platform. However, it’s not guaranteed, and TikTok has specific criteria and a review process to determine eligibility. Focus on building a strong TikTok presence, prepare the necessary documentation, and submit a verification request when you meet the requirements. 

Even if your first attempt is unsuccessful, keep improving your TikTok presence and try again later. Verification can open doors to exciting opportunities and solidify your status as a recognized entity in the TikTok community.