How to Detect Malicious Attachments and What to Do

The way in which malware is distributed can vary greatly. There are many attacks that we can suffer. Many threats are present on the network. Hackers constantly hone their techniques to achieve their goal. However, it should be mentioned that email is a widely used means of sending malware. In this article we are going to talk about it. We will explain how to detect and control malicious attachments that can reach us through a simple e-mail.

Email is widely used to attack

Today all users have at least one email address . It is no longer just a means to stay in contact with other users, but it is also necessary to register on platforms, we use it to remember passwords that we have forgotten or use different services on the Internet.

Detect Malicious Attachments and What to Do

Hackers use this medium to carry out their attacks. They can send an email containing malware in an attachment. They can also carry out Phishing attacks with the aim of stealing our credentials and passwords. It is, in short, an Internet service as used as it is dangerous if we do not take adequate measures and make mistakes.

With a simple attachment they could infect our computer. Therefore, it is important to avoid it, use common sense and know how to identify when it can be a threat. Therefore we are going to give a series of tips to explain how to detect malicious attachments and what to do in case we come across one.

Malware a través de archivos adjuntos

How to detect malicious attachments

This problem is very frequent and can affect all users at some point. We can receive an email that is apparently normal, without showing any danger, but it really saves an attached file that can attack our system.

Observe the file extension

Something very important is to look at the file extension . There are certain extensions that we should avoid at all costs, such as .jar, .cpl, .bat, .js or .wsf. But there are also other more common ones that can be used by cyber criminals to carry out their attacks, such as a simple PDF or Word file. Also the .exe files, although it is rare that a file of this type reaches us nowadays since normally the email provider will block it.

It is important therefore that we take a good look at the file extension. However, even in files that we consider safe, we should take precautions and avoid opening them if we also see any of the following suspicious points.

Who is the sender

This is also essential. Do we know the user who sends us that email? It may be a family member or friend who sends us something we are waiting for. It may be an unknown account and we should be suspicious.

However, care must also be taken in this regard, since a known user has been able to send this malicious attachment unconsciously. Your account may have been stolen or your computer may be infected and forward emails of this type.

General content of the e-mail

It is certainly another key point in determining if an email, if an attachment we receive, can be a danger. We must observe details in the way of writing, if there are possible poor translations, etc.

Therefore it is important that we look at the general content of that email to determine whether or not there is something that makes us suspicious. Any clue that indicates that we are facing a dangerous e-mail.

They ask for some kind of data

Sometimes we may receive an email asking for personal information . We may be invited to open that attachment to learn more about it. That should make us suspicious and show us that we are possibly facing a scam attempt.

Suspicious matter

Of course the subject of the message must also be observed . Are you urgently asking us to open that file? Maybe they indicate that we have won an award and that the information is in that PDF or Word that we have received? That also gives us clues that we may be facing a dangerous attachment.

What to do if we receive a malicious attachment

It is very important that if we receive a malicious attachment we take precautions. Something basic is to never arrive when you open it. We need to take care of our system and something very negative would be to open a malicious file that could compromise our security.

It is also interesting not to interact in any way with that email. Not just downloading that file, but also responding or clicking on a link sent to us. In this way we will avoid problems that may compromise our security.

It is best if the case is to directly delete that email we have received. In addition, if we want to guarantee that we will not receive more emails from that account, we can always block it. That way we will have no problems if at some point we get caught off guard and open that file we receive.