How to Customize the Windows 10 Start Menu from Settings

As many of you already know, Microsoft has been working for years to offer its hundreds of millions of users a robust and secure operating system. This is something that is being achieved with Windows 10, a software that has been with us since last summer of 2015 and that does not stop growing.

To this end, the Redmond-based firm almost constantly sends updates to add new functions to the software. In the same way, the most recent problems detected are corrected, as well as the vulnerabilities that are discovered. Here, how could it be otherwise, a multitude of sections come into play. By this we mean that Microsoft is responsible for improving the reliability of Windows , as well as its security, functionality and external appearance.

Customize the Windows 10 Start Menu from Settings

With external aspect we actually refer to the user interface that the operating system proposes to us for the day to day. And it is that in addition to the improvements that are implemented from time to time, Microsoft also makes a lot of effort that we can customize the interface with which we are going to work in this case.

Customizing Windows 10 increases productivity

Of course, this can be very helpful in a multitude of tasks , not only aesthetic ones. With this, what we mean is that it is not only about making Windows more beautiful or with more striking colors, it is about being more productive. It is true that one of the most common problems in this sense is to change the system’s desktop background. This is something that we achieve from the contextual menu of the desktop itself or from the Settings application.

Cambiar fondo Windows

This will make us have a fund more in line with our tastes or preferences. But Windows’ customization options go much further. We tell you all this because we have some functions such as the toolbar or the Start menu that we can also adapt. But this not only so that they have a certain color or appearance, but so that they are more useful to us. It must be borne in mind that these two mentioned are among the most used elements here, hence their importance. Therefore, the fact that we can customize all this is something basic, as we will see later.

And it is precisely in these same lines we want to focus on one of these important elements, the Start menu. From here we have the ability to access and run all the applications installed on the computer in a more direct way. Despite the criticism it has received for a long time, its use and usefulness is unquestionable.

Menú inicio Windows

How to adapt the Windows Start menu from Settings

It is true that it has many things in which it can improve, in fact and as far as we know, Microsoft is actively working on all of it. But to date there are many users who use it daily in their work with Windows. Therefore, as we mentioned, we are going to show you how to adapt this component of the system to our personal needs. Of course, each user works with a software of the power of Windows in a personal and own way.

That is why those from Redmond give us the opportunity to access a series of customization parameters and thus adapt this Start menu to your needs. There are some external programs that help us in this, but here we will talk about the integrated functions of the operating system itself. To do this, initially all we have to do is open the Settings application, for example through the Win + I key combination. Once the new window that we are looking for appears on the screen, we will have to opt for the option of Personalization.

Configuración personalización

Here we go to a new window in which, on the left side, we find several Windows customization sections. The one that interests us in this case is called Home, where we click.

Customizable Start menu parameters

As you can see, here we already see what really interests us, the parameters that Windows presents us to be able to adapt the Start. In this way and through a series of selectors, we can specify to Windows how we want this important section of the system to be displayed. From here and directly we will have the possibility to see or not the applications installed on the computer, or to indicate if we want the most recent ones to be displayed.

In the same way, the operating system will allow us to activate or eliminate the suggestions that sometimes appear in this section or see the most used programs. Moreover, as a curiosity we will tell you that even from here we have the opportunity to make the Start menu we are talking about see full screen when we open it. This will be very useful for all those who have many applications and need to have their accesses in view in the best way.

Inicio configuración Windows

Configure the folders that we want to see in the Start menu

But that’s not all, since the Redmond system even allows us to customize the folders we want to see when accessing the system’s Start menu . This will not allow direct access to what we really use or need on a day-to-day basis. On the other hand, we can discard or hide the contents that we do not usually use regularly from here, so that they do not become a nuisance.

Well, for this, we just have to click on the link Choose which folders you want to appear in Start. This will give us a new window with the Windows folders that we want to appear in this section, or not.

Carpetas menú Inicio

As it is easy to think, this is something that we achieve just by changing the selectors that we find in this same window. So in reality what we achieve is to have a much more functional and personalized Start menu to work better with it.