How to Control Android Mobiles with Our Voice

The mobile phone has become an essential tool for all users and that makes us depend on it at any time or circumstance. To make this possible, we have the Voice Access tool to control the Android mobile with the voice regardless of our physical or sensory capacities. An option that we must take into account for certain times and situations.

Control Android Mobiles with Our Voice

This option, however, does not come on our mobile and we will have to follow a few simple steps to start taking advantage of it. Its use can be combined with the classic touch screen, which allows us to operate the mobile at will depending on the moment. To make this possible, it takes advantage of Google Assistant and therefore it will be essential to give access to the microphone, as well as to this popular tool.

Activate Voice Access on Android mobiles

To start enjoying this possibility, what we need is to install the Voice Access application from Google Play first . Despite being an Android’s own tool, Google has chosen not to include it as standard and to allow its explicit addition for those people who really need it , regardless of whether we have Android 9, Android 10 or Android 11.

voice access android

Once installed we will only have to access Settings> Accessibility> Voice Access . If we do not install the aforementioned application, this option will not appear and we will not be able to activate it under any circumstances in any of the many customization layers of the Android panorama.

Steps to control the mobile with your voice

Once we have followed the first steps to activate this option, it is time to complete the process and learn how to use it. To do this, Android puts a series of quick access settings on the screen to allow Google Assistant to work with the screen on and off, but also does not teach how to use the Voice Access tool with a tutorial.

configurar tutorial control voz android

To complete it, we just have to say the words “Okay Google” followed by what the screen indicates and we will see how all the processes are completed without any problem. Once we have completed the process, it is time to put it into practice.

Use Voice Access on a daily basis

Once we return to the home screen of our mobile or from a specific application we only have to repeat the steps we have done in the tutorial to control the entire mobile with our voice , depending on what we need. To begin we can open one of the applications from the home screen. Once we say “Okay Google” or click on the blue floating button that appears to us on the screen, we will be presented with all the possible accesses with numbers, for if we do not know the name, just say this number.

usar voice access control voz android

At the top of the screen we can see everything that Google Assistant recognizes from our voice , in our case “open Google Chrome”. When we are in the middle of a process, the assistant will remain open so as not to force us to constantly repeat “Okay Google”. This works for everything we have on our mobile, including sending WhatsApp messages, making calls or consulting social networks.