How to Change Username and Email on Instagram

You may have created your Instagram account a long time ago and you no longer feel identified with the username you chose at that time. Or, you may need to modify the email because you no longer use the one you used when creating the account. These and many other data are what you can change on your Instagram profile. Today we show you how you can modify them with just a few clicks .

What can I change about my Instagram account?

How to Change Username and Email on Instagram

The first thing you should know is that within the Instagram settings you will be able to change any details regarding your account . From your username, your public name or your email, which are usually the three most frequent that are usually modified, to your phone number (if you want or need it to be visible), the category that your account has, the options of contact or call-to-action buttons (if you have a business profile).

But of course, modifying some of these sections involves certain problems . The first, and clearer, is that if you change your username to another, the previous one will be free, so that anyone else can use it. It is common for some kind of challenge to make this type of change, so keep that detail in mind. Another detail, although this will only affect a very small part of the platform’s users, is that if you have a verified profile and change your username, you will lose said verification. As we mentioned, it will affect only a few.

How to change username or email on Instagram

Now we are going to see what are the steps to follow to be able to modify these two elements within your account.

The first thing you need to do, either from your phone or from the browser, is to enter your profile by clicking on the small icon of your photo. Once here you will see that just above your wall and under your current information is the “Edit” or “Edit profile” button, depending on whether you have an iOS or Android device or if you are on the desktop version. Press that button to bring up the edit menu.

This is where, as we mentioned before, you can modify each parameter of the information regarding your profile. From your own photograph, your name “just” (your name visible on Instagram, not the one accompanied by the “@”), the username, the email and many other things.

Now you just have to click on the username to take you to the editor, change it to the new name and, of course, click on “Done” to confirm. A curious detail that Instagram shows us when entering this username editor is that, after making the modification, we will have to wait a period of 14 days to make another change . Therefore, and as we mentioned at the beginning of this article, be very careful about making unnecessary modifications to this data.

If you want to modify the email, you must follow exactly the same procedure and, after changing it, you will receive an email to confirm that it is you who is making the modification.

This is the simple process you must follow to change any of these values. If you have any questions regarding the process, leave us a comment and we will try to solve it for you as soon as possible.