WhatsApp has become an essential application, almost all mobiles are present regardless of brand or model, although among those of Huawei we find several failures and problems that can spoil our user experience. So that we can use WhatsApp again without problems on Huawei mobiles , we will know the main flaws and how we can solve them.
The errors that we can find are very varied, among them one of the most common is that of notifications where we do not receive WhatsApp notifications until we open it. To these we will add many others that we have to face in our Huawei mobiles.
WhatsApp notifications do not appear on Huawei
This problem is the most widespread, which luckily has a relatively simple solution. To receive WhatsApp notifications on our Huawei mobile, we have to go to the Settings> Notifications section and then allow them. For them to appear at the top , we will also have to check the option called Strips and if we want the notifications to appear on the Huawei lock screen , we will touch on the option with this name to set it to Show.
Notifications problem is the fault of battery saving
It is likely that although we have completed the previous step as we have explained, we will continue to suffer from problems with notifications, although this time in a timely manner. This is because Huawei’s smart battery manager kills the process and shuts it down when using other apps. To prevent this from happening we will have to enter Settings> Battery> Start applications and WhatsApp, in addition to other apps with essential notifications for us we choose to manage them manually.
The keyboard disappears in WhatsApp
The problems with the keyboard on Huawei phones are not specific to WhatsApp, we can find ourselves in various applications and luckily there is a method that manages to solve the problem in most cases. The first thing we must do is try to restart our mobile phone since it is something specific, just by doing this we will recover it and we can send messages again by WhatsApp.
In case this has not worked, we must resort to changing the keyboard in Huawei where we will choose to download the Google keyboard and install it by following the steps it offers us the first time we install it. In case these steps do not appear, we must go to Settings> Language and introduction and play on the default keyboard to replace it with that of Gboard.
I can’t send voice memos on WhatsApp
In case our problem is when sending voice notes, we do not have to be scared, it is likely that the error has nothing to do with the microphone of our mobile. To verify that this is not the case, we can call a friend or family member to rest easier and make sure.
After this, we must resort to the settings, entering the Applications section, to search for WhatsApp and then touch on Permissions . We will find all the permissions, among which we will have to activate the microphone to be able to use it and send voice notes. In case it is not solved, we can go to the next step, even if it does not correspond to our problem.
Errors when downloading images and videos
The WhatsApp messaging application is also widely used to send images, videos or files, which can be a serious problem when we get an error when trying to download one of them or keep thinking continuously. To be able to download files again we first have to know the state of our memory , in case we need to delete something, for that we go into Settings> Storage and check that we have more than 1 GB available.
Having this under control we go to the next step, we will return to Settings> Applications and enter WhatsApp, then we touch on storage and we find the option to empty the WhatsApp cache on our Huawei mobile and delete data. We have no reason to fear, since nothing that has been sent to us will be deleted, only temporary data and permissions.
Huawei Backup Issues
It is likely that one day we will get up with a notification that warns us that the WhatsApp backup could not be done and then the first thing we recommend is to enter Settings> Chats> Backup and check if we find an alert like the one we show you on screen. We must touch on it and give access permissions to our main Google account so that it is stored in Google Drive.
We should also bear in mind that at the bottom we have the option to choose when we want it to be done, by time and also through what type of connection, recommending only WiFi so that our data rate is not affected.
WhatsApp does not allow sending photos in EMUI 10
In case we cannot send photos or videos, the first thing we have to look at is our connection. We have to check if the browser works on our Huawei mobile, entering any website, because although we are connected to a WiFi network, it could fail. In case we are using the mobile data network, we can do the same check.
To solve it we have to go to Settings> WiFi or Mobile networks (depending on our connection) and check that all the parameters are correct. In the case of WiFi we can tap on the WiFi connection and tap on forget it to re-enter it again. With the mobile data network, we will have to check with our operator if we still have data available or we have exhausted them all.
WhatsApp has stopped
The last problem we can find you with is when the message appears, the WhatsApp application has stopped. In this case we recommend you check before you have the latest version of the system for our mobile, for this you have to go to Settings> System> Update Software and install the update if one is available. We must also enter the Google Play Store and check in My applications if WhatsApp is updated, since it could be a specific error that has already been corrected.
Is your problem with WhatsApp on Huawei not resolved?
In case your problem keeps repeating, we can try some of the solutions that we have proposed for other cases, such as the one we show you when trying to download images and videos on WhatsApp. Clear cache and application data is very useful for many cases, although to check it you will have to do it yourself.