Errors When Uploading Files to Google Drive: How to Fix it

Cloud storage is increasingly present in our day to day. It allows us to host all types of files and documents in the cloud and always have them available. This means that we can create backups as well and thus avoid accidental deletion of files or preserve them in case we lose a device or it gets damaged. In addition, it is also a way to free up space or share files with other users. However, sometimes problems arise and we will talk about it in this article. We are going to give some tips to avoid failures when uploading files to Google Drive .

google drive

How to avoid errors when uploading files to Drive

There are many storage platforms that we have available. Some offer more capacity, others have more functions and features and we can even come across some that may be specifically designed to maintain security. In this article we wanted to focus on Drive simply because it is the most popular today. In this way, many users will be able to benefit.

Browser problems

We may be using the browser to upload files to the cloud . Our browser could be generating problems that prevent us from uploading these files correctly.

To avoid problems, one of the important questions is to delete the browsing data or even try incognito mode. Sometimes failures are generated that can be solved just like that. We can even test with another browser to confirm that it is a failure of that specific one.

Of course the browser must be correctly updated. In this way we will not only guarantee security and correct possible vulnerabilities, but we will also introduce the improvements that are available.

Complemento de Google Drive

Review security tools

Having antivirus and any other security program is very important. They protect us against the threats that are present on the network. We can make use of many types that are available for all types of devices and operating systems.

Now, sometimes our antivirus or firewall could be interfering with the proper functioning as well. It could block uploading files to Drive, for example. You may consider this to be a threat that it really is not.

It could even be the case that we have a security extension installed in the browser and it is preventing us from uploading the files correctly. For this reason, it is advisable to try disabling the antivirus and security tools and check that everything is working fine.

Reinstall or update the app

The fault may be present in the Drive application , in case we are using this option. To try to solve the problem what we must do is update the application. Sometimes problems arise and do not allow it to work properly. It can occur on computers or mobiles and it is always a good idea to have the latest versions.

In case it is updated correctly what we would have to do is reinstall the application. So we could solve certain problems.

Check the connection

This is very common although it seems somewhat obvious. Sometimes the problem is simply present in our connection . Maybe we are trying to upload a file from the mobile but we are not connected or the signal is very weak.

In this case what we have to do is make sure that the connection is activated correctly and we have access to the network. From there re-upload the files and check if it works.

Reconnect user account

Something similar can happen with our user account . Maybe we have a momentary problem, a specific failure in our account. It is as simple as logging in either on the computer or mobile.

In an extreme case and that it is a failure of our account and is maintained over time, we can always try another account and see if that error persists.

Rename the files

Sometimes Google Drive may not recognize the name of a file correctly and this can cause problems. We can rename the files we are uploading and check if it works correctly.

In short, these are some tips that we can take into account to use Drive correctly when a failure arises that prevents uploading files.