Do not use these passwords for your Facebook or hackers will get into your account

We can say that passwords are the main security barrier to prevent intruders in our accounts. However, it is important to use them correctly and not make mistakes. In this article we are going to talk about what kind of passwords you should avoid in your Facebook account , since it is one of the platforms that hackers look for the most. We are going to give some tips so that you do not have problems.

What keys to avoid on Facebook

Do not use these passwords for your Facebook

Facebook is one of the most used social networks. That also makes hackers set their sights here. Therefore, you must take measures to avoid problems that affect your security. Something essential is not to make mistakes when setting a password, as it could allow intruders to enter.

Common passwords

The first mistake is to use common passwords that are not secure at all. We are talking about the typical access codes 123456, 11223344, etc. Yes, although we know that they are totally insecure, the truth is that they are still the most used and that is a real problem to protect social networks and all kinds of platforms.

Therefore, avoid using these types of passwords. A would-be intruder could launch a brute force attack and try these passwords until they find the correct one and get into your account without your knowledge.

Ventajas de no usar contraseñas

Use words or numbers that relate to you

You should also avoid using passwords that are easy for you to memorize . Many users use simple words or numbers to remember. For example using your name, date of birth, mobile number… All this can also be used by attackers to try different combinations until they get in.

Avoid using these types of words or numbers and always use a password that is difficult to memorize. The more random it is, the better. You can always see Facebook logins, but it’s important to prevent anyone from gaining access.

weak keys

But even if you use a random password, it can still be weak . It is important that you take into account some factors to avoid intruders. Any mistake you make can give an attacker the opportunity to enter the Facebook account without permission and take control of this social network. So keep this in mind:

  • Password length: the longer, the better
  • Use letters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and other special symbols
  • Change it from time to time

Don’t use it anywhere else

Of course, another common mistake is using the same password in more than one place. That is a problem. If for example you use the Facebook password also in an Internet forum or any page where you have registered, that can be a problem. In case there is a leak in that other place, they could reach your account.

Always use unique passwords for each case. Use a unique password for Facebook, another for email, another for Netflix… In this way you will ensure that the accounts are always protected and there are no problems that affect several.

In short, as you can see, it is important to protect Facebook well. It is essential to use a good password and for this you must avoid common mistakes that we make and that could expose our account. It is something that you can also apply to any other social network that you use in your day to day.